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Automatically highlight Loot/Ore/Etc


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Sorry, not exactly sure what the correct wording is and probably why I can't find a mod for it. I'm looking for a mod that will show up on minimap when I'm close, like when I press the V button, but instead of constantly hitting V, i'd like it to auto-search or to just show up when I'm close.

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Fair enough. I'll just keep doing what I have been.


Use AutohotKeys to press the V key for me every 1/4 second or so. It works, for the most part but there are times when it pauses for awhile.


If someone here is able to read and modify the code better, please do. I took the code from AHK's website and changed it. I understand a little bit of coding so I was able to get it to do what I wanted, but I don't understand everything that it does.


Also, when the game doesn't have focus it still presses the V key. So if you can get that to work, it would be awesome.

; AutoHotkey      Version:
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT/XP/Vista/Win7

;   Script Initialization Stuff (optional)
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input

bActivate := 0

;   Create a timer to constantly check
;   if game is the active process or not
;   since we want our remapping to only
;   be applied in-game, not outside the
;   game.
SetTimer PollForApp

 ; Get the process name of the active window (i.e. Notepad.exe)
   WinGet szProcessName, ProcessName, A
   if szProcessName = DragonAgeInquisition.exe
       Suspend, off
       Suspend, on

;   Setup key binds
    bActivate := !bActivate

v up::
    while bActivate
        sendinput v
        Sleep 30
    ;sendinput v
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