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Lets get some blogs running?


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Back in the old days on Runescape (yes, the infamous MMO I admit having been on) a part of the community had blogs to keep track of their progression in game, and it was somewhat interesting as it helps with role playing. Some people didn't care and just wrote about levels, others went realistic made it look immersive, like if it were the character's journal. And it was also pretty sweet in the end because you could then read back and see your own progress, see yourself discovering the game and such.


I think it would be pretty nice on Skyrim as well. TES is much more immersive than Runescape (heck it beats that game in every sense anyway). On top of that we are all starting from 0, there's very limited spoilers, we're really discovering the game so if we were to make blogs we'd be getting genuine role play journals. Plus it's a nice way to know other people of the community and see how differently everyone gets through Skyrim. Only downside is it can also spoil the game for others, but that also reminds me of the old days when you'd team up with friends to beat games like Zelda or Mario 64 instead of having Wikipedia set up with all the answers for you.


I'm gonna be making one of those blogs. Everyday I play, in the end of the day, sum up what I've done and add some screenshots to decorate. Two known websites for that are Blogger and WordPress. Who else would go with it?


EDIT: Ok so quite a few people seem to like this. Here's the list of blogs:


IrishBiscuit - http://bretonstale.blogspot.com/

MrDirty - http://www.youtube.com/user/watchmeplaydirty?feature=mhee

MrDirty - (blog) http://mrdirtygames.blogspot.com/

Technogran - http://elderadventurer.blogspot.com/

StormTemplar - http://armathyx.blogspot.com/

StormTemplar (youtube) - http://www.youtube.com/user/LordApocalypse7?feature=mhee

gahnzz - http://thenordreport.blogspot.com/

christianrive - http://boundbysoul.blogspot.com/

Zinro - http://skyrimjournals.blogspot.com/

jayn - http://jayscrolls.blogspot.com/

Arbitors - http://nordsmusings.blogspot.com/

christianrive - http://myskyrimadventures.blogspot.com/

Shilka - http://shilkaskyrim.blogspot.com/

Skullrama - http://itemsoffinest...t.blogspot.com/

DyingAtheist - http://letsplayskyrim.blogspot.com/

DyingAtheist (youtube) - http://www.youtube.com/user/ForAdventure?feature=mhee

Stormcrown - http://thetakarnjournal.wordpress.com

IndorilTheGreat(youtube) - http://www.youtube.c...at?feature=mhum

Hayk94 - http://adventuresoflernik.blogspot.com/

Edited by StormTemplar
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Sounds like a fun idea, i always like a good read, don't know if i could do it myself since i might to addicted to actually playing the game and not taking break other than, eating, sleeping and hopefully i can keep up my training, but i don't wanna lie to myself either :rolleyes:
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