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Mods you want to see or create


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I think a skill progress slowing mod is imperative to have before starting. Bethesda has said that leveling will be faster in this game than in previous titles... Are you serious? I was level 35 by 20 hours into oblivion. Slowing the leveling by at LEST 2:1 will be an absolute nesecity if you want a long term viable character and not just a casual main quest run through. I hope someone makes this mode but if I dont see it in the first week I'll have to make it myself =P
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I would very much love someone to mod the abililty to see both duel weapons e.g axe and sword when they are sheathed (note sure on the word)


Ive noticed that my character just pulls the second weapon out of thin air lol


And it would be awesome if some could make a mod where the the duel weilding weapons are on the back of the character with a cool animation reaching back over his shoulders and pulling his weapons off his back:)



What do you guys think?

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i would like to see a mod about the char creation with features like:


-more skins


-more eyes. someones with glowing effects


-more race features like more horns and more haircuts


and so on. basically like the ones created for oblivion



And a mod for make you able to change haircut or the whole face in any time, even.

Edited by alfaSEEZER
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Someone please please make Chocolate elves for skyrim , with the same tall and pretty looks :)


This! I loved the Chocolate Elves! Also I forgot who it was, but someone had created a huge Drow zone in Oblivion complete with black-skinned Drow. It was really awesome. I'd love to see that ported over. ;D


I'd like to see a bath mod, where you can take a bath, and then when you go out adventuring again, you get dirty and need another bath. lol It would be more realistic than just staying pristine all the time.


Failing that, I would like to see a dark-skinned "I Wash" mod for females.


An all hairstyles for all races mod.


An eye replacer pack for the races, but especially the dark elves.


A prettifying mod. The races all look 10x better than they did in Oblivion, but I still think they could be an extra 10x better ;)

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