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Is leveling going to be different in Skyrim?


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It's entirely different in that aspect, which is good. In Skyrim, you still level by increasing skills, but instead of juggling a million different major and minor skills related to stats, you just boost either health, magicka or stamina (instead of traditional stats) and choose a perk. It's simplified, but there are way more perks than levels, meaning you still can't do everything equally well.
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It's entirely different in that aspect, which is good. In Skyrim, you still level by increasing skills, but instead of juggling a million different major and minor skills related to stats, you just boost either health, magicka or stamina (instead of traditional stats) and choose a perk. It's simplified, but there are way more perks than levels, meaning you still can't do everything equally well.


Thanks for the information, Zinro, I appreciate it.

Edited by LobselVith66
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Use the search function please, it's common courtesy on all forums ever pretty sure. Perhaps not common enough though.
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Use the search function please, it's common courtesy on all forums ever pretty sure. Perhaps not common enough though.


I hope my thread didn't ruin your day.

Not at all, it's not a big deal. Just learn to search before trying for a new topic. ;)

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Not at all, it's not a big deal. Just learn to search before trying for a new topic. ;)


I'm a little wary because I keep seeing spoilers for this forum about specific things I wasn't looking to find out about. I think it'll be better if I stay away until Skyrim is released to avoid this problem.

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