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GTA V trailer released


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Well you'll never actually know until you play it. This trailer doesnt reveal much.

If there were a gameplay trailer though, i mean showing an actual gameplay clip, not just some in game scenes, then you could jump to that.


Yeah but it feel like GTA IV, not that I mind it much it's just... IDK I just don't feel a thing. Anyways I'm more geared up with SR3 than GTA but we shall see.


I hear that. GTA used to be so much fun when it was colourfull, silly, funny, and downright raunchy, now it's gone all grey and serious, and lost it's soul. For me, open world "crime" games should be silly, lewd, violent and psycadelic, and SR is all that and more-it's a game to live out your inner lunatic, and until GTA rediscovers how brilliant it's crazy days were(Im looking at you, San Andreas, you were brilliant) I doubt I'll play another GT game.

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I was actually pleased by the GTA5 trailer. From what I saw they pretty much took all their ideas from top mods. GTA5 from what I have seen has "emp" the extra moving parts mod, looks like its using a form of enb, and photo realistic textures. Hopefully they connect a few of the older world spaces (redone obviously, as I wouldn't pay for a game that is identical).
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Well GTA IV and above seem to be taking this serious, cinematic and "realistic" tone. Luckily I never played GTA to play missions or the game's story anyway... playing as a hardened criminal is just not my cup of tea.


I was more interested in exploring the world (a la Elder Scrolls), playing hide and seek with police and sometimes to destroy (gleefully) everything in my path :tongue:

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It is set in Los Santos. There is a Los Santos on the wall at one point in the trailer. I'd suggest to look up trailer analysis's for this, there is quite a few secrets you might not have noticed.
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