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Greifing idea's for the evil b@*#sterd inside you


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So i've been reading a lot of topics and have seen a lot of serious talk, like where to go, will my system run it, which character to create, why RPG's are being replaced by dumber games even tho if you look at it for a moment you still have an enourmous amount of freedom, is there patrik stuart and will i be able to lay a dragon down by the fire... not it's preferably...


Wait thats not a topic INTERNETS UNITE!...




alright now i've prooven i'm an idiot i'm going to get onto the ways to Greif NPC's! because anyone thats read any posts by me knows im not a srs person.


Not all of these may work or be possible on release but put your ideas down and let your inner Ba*@sterd out!


1: Kite enemies to the edges of cliffs and shielf knock them over.


2: Marry a NPC and sacrifice them to dark gods! (The gods not being in the game will be made up in your own sick twisted mind... or a mod)


3: Download one of the inevitable nude mods and run around beating people up naked. Mod's adding dive tackling will be the second most requested mod.


4: Lure dragons into town for meals not cause your a mechivious little prink.


5: Lure monsters into town, mods screwing around with ragdolls is a must.


6: Wait untill it's late at night, sneak into town and burn down the infristructer and watch as a once wealthy little village struggle to feed it's denizins.


7: Find a stream with a strong current and a waterfall at the end and tell your companions to go across it.


8: Find the children in the game and smash them in the head with a warhammer, don't worry it's not child abuse because they dont die or loose health (If you have a child killing mod see a psycyatrist now)


9: Drag a body into the middle of town and watch NPC's reactions.


10: (A throwback to an old topic) Find two homeless or starving people and throw a peice of food between them, hilarity should ensue.


11: Use companions as "Trap dectectors" And use their stupid asses to activate traps, see if people are hostile and if they die well maybe you shouldn't be suck a prink.


12: Ride a horse into the middle of a river with a strong current and jump off, hopefully getting to safty, waterfalls ensure hilarity.


As you can see theres pleanty of chances to Greif the unsuspecting citizens of Skyrim, the funnyness is multiplied if you remmember your supposed to be some badass dragon born and your acting like an idiot.


What are some of your evil fantasies?

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Kill everybody and let my pet dragon rain fiery fury onto any building made of combustible materials; failing that create a combustible lemons mod and burn it all down myself. Naturally I'm not evil enough to kill children, but I'd probably make them watch and put some sort of heavy armour and weaponry in their inventory afterwards (to teach them how this world works) ^^.
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Well if I indulge my dark passenger :


1. Incite wars between two peaceful little settlement towns using treachery , assassination , bribes while under the safe cover of a monk of nord faith.


2. Then while letting them carry out brutal skirmishes against each other I will head out to hunt a pack of werewolves . (this is not full moon hence i deal with them in human form while they still have incredible strength they are still manageable).


3. I will only spare one family in the pack chaining the husband a powerful werecursed Nord call Isac , his wife , and daughter who is only three moons old to back of a cart slowly making way back to small town.


4. Every night as we camp down I will torture the wife and werekid in front of Isac , making him watch , he will plead , scream with desperation , driven to edge of what a being with soul can endure but to no avail , on the final night before reaching town I will slit his wife's jugular and let her bleed out on his lap , I will gently tie his recently blind daughter to a log , amass all types of dry wood I can find around , slowly light a fire , letting Isac bathe in the sharp screams of his young one cutting through the air but eventually dying down to be replaced by the smell of roasted flesh .


5.Upon my return , I will smuggle Isaac in the chapels crypt , where I slowly starve him down in anticipation to the coming full moon.


6.Town is very weakened by the current wars, morale is dwindling , widows and orphans are becoming more common , people start looking towards the Gods for answers , I reassure them with false omens.


7. Dusk on the night of the full moon, fires are spotted on hilltops few leagues away , fearing a raid on town a of force ragged warriors gather up and head out in hope of surprising the assailant leaving only handful to protect women and children.


8. I round up the settlements 30 or so children and women with the help of few men left and advice them to stay in the chapel for safety sake till the return of the warring party.


9. It is nearly full moon when I lower the heavy lumber log locking down the chapel door , I half mindlessly push the body of poisoned guard off the chapel steps , drops of hot mead still making its way down his lifeless chin . I sit down peering onto sprawl of silent empty house and huts , waiting.


10. An ochestra of screams of panic , disbelief , horror , all erupted from inside the chapel , a faint smile crept on my face , my aquainted ears to such laments could make out the tearing of limbs , mothers wail witnessing the raw cannibalistic mutilation of their children , wood chairs breaking accompanied by spines meeting similar fates , commotion of futile attempts to make it out , and at its heart the roar , a thunderous roar with hints of pain and insurmountable rage , Isac was a formidable sized nord his werewolf size would be just breathtaking ,,, though I could only content myself with the chaos of sounds which formed sweet melody to my ears .


11. Little over an hour had passed when rider approached ' holy brother Balthasar , ready the men , the bonfires we had spotted were empty and the tracks around were half a day old , we fear it may have been a ruse , the force is on its way back ... '

A roar erupted from the chapel ...

' in the name of Gunnar what in the ,,, ' he approached the chapel door , and let out a scream ..

My blade pierced him through the shoulder spreading its paralytic poison , I slowly pinned him against the chapel door , my face brushing against his ear ,

' One hand , five fingers to hand , five bonfires to a retribution , the Dark Brotherhood never forgives , never forgets ' I whispered ,

' whhy , whhhhy the 'ildren .. w'omen ... ' he managed to voice ,

' Hush ... you can tell wise warlord Haldar he has to live with the blood of his people on his hands, and let this be a warning to anyone who dares betray the Dark Brotherhood , history shall not repeat itself .. '

I slowly carved a hand in the young mans face ignoring his gurgles of pain erupting from his paralyzed person..


History shall not repeat itself .....

* might not be what OP was looking for but my RP side took over midway through :tongue: *

* sorry of any butchering of English language or format im French *

Edited by Bubbletub
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Tsk. Mayhem is SO last year :3


Be subtle.


Reverse pickpocket enchanted intems with a Frenzy spell in important people's bodyguards' pocket.


Experiment with poisons. Paralysis, frenzy, continual damage. Test the AI! Make political assassinations FUN!


Force NPC into terrorism! Enchant intems with fire damage and reverse pickpocket them! Watch them burn their houses to the ground BY THEMSELVES as they scream in pain! :D


You kids miss the finer points of evil, I swear :D

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Reverse pickpocket enchanted intems with a Frenzy spell in important people's bodyguards' pocket.


hmm... :happy:

Oh wait... :mellow:

that means.... :pinch:

UGH.... :wallbash:

owweee... :wacko:



I no get

I'll explain it:


You reverse-pickpocket an item such as a ring that's enchanted with Frenzy, a spell that causes those affected by it to attack everyone around them.

The recipient NPC will probably equip the ring since they have an open ring slot.

Hilarity ensues.

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