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Everything posted by stumpndum

  1. So I was playing skyrim and with the dev azula(I think) airship mod, anywho as I was playing i suddenly got a strang click or beep (same thing) coming from my speakers everyone I hit a button followed by a 1-2 second wait time for the appropriate function to happen, mind you the game was working fine an example is I have to hold down the escape key for 2 seconds where the beep sound keeps playing and everything else in the game contenues while I wait for the menu to start. I've reloaded saves, restarted from the beginning before and after removing the mod and nothing changes, and I can't try and validate files or anything because my computers being a c$&@ and won't connect to the Internet Anywho any help would be awesome
  2. Cheers for the reply, yea i got mods installed main reason im confused it it worked fine last nime, anywho if i play it without invavlidation it works fine but you know half the reason anyone buys bethesda games on pc it to mod them :P
  3. Hi all, recently got Fallout GOTY edition and i've been through every problem solving things i could find from duel core fixes in the ini, dxd something or others and much more but i've narrowed it to one or two problems. When i add the ArchiveInvalidation or binvalidateolderfiles=1 my game will crash on startup, i hear this has something to with me having windows 7 64bit but anyway i was wondering if anyone has a fix.
  4. Ghasu your a legend! can't wait to try it out.
  5. ZOMG that's exactly what i was thinking, change silver with gold of course and put on a few cogs to make it dwemer...ey, But yea as i said in my first post it's for roleplaying so the idea that guns are irrevelent because of magic is pretty funny. Anyway Modders unite!
  6. Bump, holy crap I stopped reading this because i was well... playing skyrim, seems everyone's getting an idea tho!
  7. I think the main reason I get kinda ticked, not hate but ticked off at console players is actually more childlike then I like. It's cause the developers (parents) pay more attention to consoles these days. Skyrim is a perfect example, the UI a fundimental part of a game is optimised for console's while the PC got a shitty port. It happens everywhere, crappy console to PC ports and i think most of us wish they would actually put some effort into it cause the only time we get good games are when their built for PC like battlefield 3 or any strategy game.
  8. I don't know why but that brought me back to my childhood... then i took a arrow in the knee
  9. I used to hunt the kneecapping jerk... then i took a arrow in the knee
  10. I disagree with them banning you, that's just dickish but your post should of been blocked since it's their official site. I'm not just going to leave it these heres what I see they have a problem with. Never just cut yourself of mid sentence when petitioning, it lowers the value of your argument and is slightly rude. Don't ever swear or imply swearing, people can easily fill in the blanks and the above two reasons apply. Same sentence, but your doing a petition so sarcasm's generally not aloud, lowers the value of your argument and it's rude. Just repeating sarcasm bad. Never say anyone's stupid, rude and lowers the value of your argument... what i'm saying here is if your complaining and trying to make it official you got to use language that you don't use with your mates.... polite english is called for. You may think it's going to get worse but without evidence don't try to predict the future. Mainly i'm pointing at the fact you wrote "screw people over", not suitable for a potition and it's bad to directly say that the people on the forum are directly trying to screw over their fans. This is probably the thing they had the most problem with, your saying on Their site that your trying to get people not to buy Their product's, and that you want to spread the word across the internet. I don't think i need to elaberate why this is a bad thing. Just more sarcasm, bad for petition's, bad for your argument and is rude. I'm not going to post the entire thing because people cna just read it but anyway again I don't think I need to explain why you shouldn't demand things from the sites owners using the above "Petition not to buy DLC" like it's a hostage situation or something. Very bad. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't do a petition, just make it more profesional and if you telling fans not to buy the sites owner's products your gonna get booted. Their a company don't forget.
  11. As much as i would love to make Skyrim my GOTY i can't, there's more then one thing wrong with it, None of the story lines are gripping enough in my oppinion, UI sucks donkey, have to train up useless skills to get all the perks you want in your own etc etc I'm not saying it's not good, i love it but not GOTY for me.
  12. Holy crap that was good! normally i hate remixes but that was awesome
  13. I think they all pack in like sardines at the end of the night and the nighttime guards op open the top of their can then take their possitions.
  14. I lovre the fact every guard is like the same guy who had an accident in a pile of radioactive goo and split himself like an ameba, they all got kneecapped, all know i'm apart of the dark brotherhood, all think their dragonborn... then turn to you and go omg your the dragonborn. That or their all twins from the same mother and are all extreemly psycicly linked. I propose a mod to add the mother of these guards, she'll stand 10 feet tall and her stomach 10 feet across, and the only thing she'll say is "My children are guards you know... so F*#@ off."...
  15. Maybe i'm elitist maybe i'm not, my friends *censored* at me for being to hard on games (Only about 3 games are 10/10 in my opinion) so don't wanna hear those remarks if you comment on this post. Skyrim is dumbed down, extensivly from earlier elder scrolls games, no medium armor, crossbows, axe skills etc and this new perk tree system is kinda dumb in my opinion, I find myself training up skills i don't use to get up a level so i can put another perk into my tree, it would have been much better to have a slower skill progession and have perks auto-unlock in my opinion. The UI has taken a step down from earlier games aswell but i do find the quest system i liked best to be oblivion's, skyrims suffers from it's terrible UI and Morrowind was way too cluttery and hard to read (My opinion). But lets not forget what Skyrim has added, duel weilding, actuall choice and consiquence and more. So no i don't agree with you in the regard of not being able to get into Skyrim, you can just look past it's flaws (Like every bethesda game really) and you'll find an enjoyable game.
  16. Sorry about the bit of my post you picked out Lechar, least i learned something from it. Second thing i know this post's about female dragonborn but it's kind of evolved, i find this topic kinda interesting, learning more about peoples oppinions, how they see the world its very fun. I actually was talking to my girlfriend about this conversation, well less of a conversation and more of "Goddamnit (Not inserting real name) stumpndum, i don't wanna hear about it, your supposed to be helping me through dark souls!" after 4 minutes of talking.
  17. What the above posters say. I kind of understand you tho, not that i wanna be a chick but i wonder what my life would be like, i'm a 5.8 australian, irish, canadian Mother Canadian Australian father Irish australian (Yes i hit the trifecta of drunk countries, whoopie), built like a tank with ahem, extra padding. (Fat you jerks!), Seems like some of the chicks i know in my life have it easier, not getting into as many fights or putting up with some *censored*er up in your face giving you crap, but then again i could be oblivious to the stuff they go through or etc etc a lot a variables. Then theres also the fact being a stumpy ass funny sounding guy tends to make you think what it'd be like to be anyone else.
  18. Alright forgive me for this but.. Future is looking boss if trend contenues... :P Jokes aside Your obervation about how their just making the girls guy like is correct in my oppinion, look at the new tomb raider, she went away from lara croft to Nathan drakes little sister... And i know this isn't the best example but look at bayonetta, shes a chick, she kicks ass as a chick instead of a female replacment of Kratos like in Heavenly sword, theres pleanty of ways to have a strong female character that isn't just a female guy. And i don't mean slap a chainmail bikini on, then add a psycopathic personality and call it a strong female protagonist like hunted the demons forge, another example is the dragon age origins girls, Morigan and Liliana are perfect examples, probably should of mentioned that before Bayonetta actually.
  19. A lot of reasons for me. First off i know this is sexist but screw it whenever i get a chance i play a big bloody meatheat bad guy, wether its in Mass effect assault trooper being a dick or a 10ton armor wearing psyco in warhammer online, then i create a good, opposite of whatever i did for male female character. After those two playthroughs i do whatever the hell i want, in skyrim tho heres my characters and why. Warrior, sword adn board, smithing nord male, he was a dick... I think its because a 8 foot muscle bound psycopathic male makes me feel like i can intimidate more people in game hence being more evil. Mage, duel destruction, enchanting, alchemist, Breton she was good. I think its a side effect to RL for me, most the guys i met were dicks but the women i knew were nicer. Barbarian, duel axe weilding, archer, stealthy female wood elf. Wanted to try out duel weilding and since i'm a 20 something male dressing her up in forsworn armor seemed a lot better then watching the hairy back of some guy in said armor. Hunter, -archer, two hander, steathy male orc. I always make an orc if possible, orcs are awesome, but this confirmed by initial suspicians that female in forsworn armor < Hairy male in forsworn armor.
  20. Alright a bit off topic then back on, Historicly men have been stronger then women, hence all the wars being faught by the muscle bound meatheads. But as Lechar mentioned this is goddamned fantasy! if theres a 6 foot green man next to you reality tends to been thrown out the window! More off topic, I think the birth rates in men is actually higher, it makes sence from an evelutionary standpoint, hunter's tend to get more mauled more often then others, and hunter's were i think almost entirly men, plus factor in all the wars we've had and the need for more male births becomes obvious to me, someone mentioned to me the posibility of plauge, etc leveling the playing field but plauges, etc kill everyone equily. Back on topic, yea the lack of female dragonborn's is weird, theres that main one in the story and maybe you... But then again skyrims kinda vikingy by which i mean most of their stories revolve around a bunch of hyped up psyco men leveling everything from villages to dragons then singing about it while drunk of their assess forgetting to put in the theft-rape-murdering that happens to be a side point.
  21. Interesting, massive modding req tho, i say the best bet is to have a race-mod startoff then shapeshift, adding in the puddle thing later as people become more and more familiar and skilled with the construction set.
  22. Sorry for double post: But i thought up something else, mainly dealing with Maxwellninx post. 1: iz insane but thats besides the point :P 2: It's not foolish to put muskets in, repeat you don't have to download it but remmember that many games are medieval and magic but when nothing changes for a long time it... this brings me onto my next point 3: Ruins a bit of the immersion for me, why has this place not grown? is it stagnate in time? are the reserchers you find all throughout the games slacking off? 4: Why would it ruin immersion, i'll repeat myself it may ruin the immersion for you but it's great for me. Another point during this is why would i destroy my own immersion? thats just silly. 5:You may stick with the battleaxe and bow remmember you don't have to download mods. 6: Finally your little scenario there. Yes i shoot him dead, oh crap there's another three guys after me, gun down sword out. The frantic swap of weapons is, linking back to my earilier point an immersion intesifier. Having a powerfull weapon and not being able to use it, heart beating, will you get your weapon out in time before his friends arrive? So yea in conclusion a repeat, you dont have to download it, you can have your world of magic/steel and arrows... I would like a world with a bit more progress in history and a new way of playing a beloved game. PS whoever metioned fable... that game is just crap... not the best example
  23. Lol no one has to download it so please dont say don't make it. As for "go play Fallout for guns" there's a big difference between bolt action rifles and flintlock muskets... I was hoping for a early gun and as someone mentioned above me dwarf robots? Yea guns are totally unrealistic but robots definatly. And last but not least immersion. I repeat you wouldn't have to download it so it wouldn't ruin what you would think is immersion since you wouldn't need to have it. The immersion for me would be increased as I would have a lot more roleplaying opportunities. Last point is it wouldn't necessarilly destroy balance, as someone mentioned it's a game with magic so maybe something similar to less damage from bows enchant, it's magic I think the rules of realism goes out the window. So yea I'm not trying to say those who don't like it can bugger off it's your opinion not to like it but remember what applies to you doesnt apply to anyone else, I repeat you may think it would destroy the game but onthe flip side someone may think it may be a great addition to the game.
  24. DAmage values maybe 3-5x stronger then a bow. Compensates for reload time
  25. We should not be celebrating this is the herald of the return of the dragons...
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