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Broken animation


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I've been playing a modded NV for a couple of months now. The vanilla game is very well written, but without the mods I wouldn't have played even close to the end-game.(Would've probably learnt some guitar instead, most likely.)


But I would much appreciate your help on this, since I'm clueless when it comes to animation:

The two-handed automatic animation is quite badly broken. Any character that starts firing an 2-hand auto starts shuffling his gunpoint quite randomly between the ground, high skies and the horizon. Any other animation works just fine.


What ways are there to fix this glitch?




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It might be worth trying one of the animation replacers, if one of your default animations does have an issue it'll be replaced by one that works. This one is very good... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35028


That worked very well. Or rather it worked until the animation started tilting in another direction after a few hours of gameplay. I'll just re-install the mod you suggested, if the game gets too wacky.


Thank you!


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