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Female Armor Resizing Project

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I've been looking around, and I've decided there are simply not enough female armor mods that have breast sizes B and lower. So, I was considering "fixing" that issue by converting mods, after getting the permissions from the original authors.


HOWEVER, I've been looking around, and I can't find a single guide that covers this. So, would anyone be willing to give me a step by step guide, or more preferably, a video/screenshot guide to what to do to compress the armor, so that it has a smaller breast size?


If I can be taught how to do this, I will likely continue to do this with Skyrim mods, as I'm going to be getting Skyrim the day it comes out (I have it preordered, yay), and will be taking requests as to what to convert.





Here's a list of all armors that have been considered, seperated into "done" and "awaiting".





Baron Armor (not done for HGEC, but done for BAB)





Iron Maiden Armor/Dynasty Armor (Conversion)

Forbidden Armor (Conversion included)

Modified Eyrens Vampire Hunter Armor (Done for A and C but not for B (Conversion))

Edited by TrueChaoS
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I think you might have missed a lot. Did you try Eve? Did you look through all of NPR's things? Did you notice there's an armor by FLY on the front page that is exactly what you describe? There are many. Which ones were you considering doing, in case it's already been done, if it hasn't, I can be of some assistance, do you have blender?
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I think you might have missed a lot. Did you try Eve? Did you look through all of NPR's things? Did you notice there's an armor by FLY on the front page that is exactly what you describe? There are many. Which ones were you considering doing, in case it's already been done, if it hasn't, I can be of some assistance, do you have blender?


I'm talking about resizing armors that have NOT been done. I know there are a bunch, but it just happens that all the ones I actually like the look of, are stupidly oversized. I do have Blender, and I have all my vanilla meshes resized thansk to a handy mod, but generally all the armors I want are just stupidly oversized. I don't really know much about using Blender, but over the weekend I plan to learn and memorize the controls. As I said, any guides as to what to do (including how to use references well) will be handy and welcome

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I think you might have missed a lot. Did you try Eve? Did you look through all of NPR's things? Did you notice there's an armor by FLY on the front page that is exactly what you describe? There are many. Which ones were you considering doing, in case it's already been done, if it hasn't, I can be of some assistance, do you have blender?


I'm talking about resizing armors that have NOT been done. I know there are a bunch, but it just happens that all the ones I actually like the look of, are stupidly oversized. I do have Blender, and I have all my vanilla meshes resized thansk to a handy mod, but generally all the armors I want are just stupidly oversized. I don't really know much about using Blender, but over the weekend I plan to learn and memorize the controls. As I said, any guides as to what to do (including how to use references well) will be handy and welcome


"over the weekend' pardon me, after the weekend you'll laugh with me.


Again, I would in all seriousness ask which ones you mean, as it's pointless to to do work that's already been done. (And it also makes a difference which body replacer you're using, though this complaint is normally leveled at HGEC primarily.)





That might get you started.

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"over the weekend' pardon me, after the weekend you'll laugh with me.


I have exams to worry about, so for the very near future, this weekend is all the spare time I've got where I won't be nagged.

And, I just mean the basic controls, not the things I need to know to get the resizing done.

If I could learn that in a basic walkthrough of the controls, I wouldn't be making this thread.


Here's a few I plan to do:

Iron Maiden Armor

Forbidden Armor

Modified Eyrens Vampire Hunter Armor

Baron Armor


There are more, but there's a few for now.

Edited by TrueChaoS
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Iron Maiden Armor <---This is a retexture ofDynasty Armor which has already been done by GrimReaperCalls.

Forbidden Armor <----------------------This one has a B cup replacer included with it, in the files

Modified Eyrens Vampire Hunter Armor <-------------This one has been done and done again

Baron Armor <----------has been done for Bab which is a pretty small busted body replacer.

I'm kind of surprised GrimReaperCalls has not gotten to Baron Armor yet as well.

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-facepalm- shows how little I actually see when I LOOK for mods -.o

Should I just throw this whole damn idea in the trash and call myself a moron from now on?

Because every time I try doing something useful, it turns out its already been done, and I didn't see for some retarded reason, no matter how hard I look.

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Actually it's not a waste, it's just that I tend to notice armors and such.

What would be a great thing to do, that would be useful is to keep the list going and identify the ones that really need doing.


Especially, because you aren't the only one who has trouble finding them. It would be a great service. (I confess I get tired of people crying about it*, but that takes nothing from how useful it is, it only adds to the value of such a project.)



by "it" I mean not being able to find things I know are here. I'm tired, I don't mean to come off snippy as it seemed that might have.

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Before I say anything, sorry for semi-raging. I'm just sorta getting sick of actually getting the motivation to do something then finding out it's been done before already. It's been happening a hell of a lot lately =/ .. I'll edit the OP for those four and add in some extra information in a moment.


edit: Ok, OP edited. All suggestions for armor that isn't done would be good for that list, and if a list hasn't been made before, I might consider putting a list of all AA, A, B and C cup armors in the general area for all members to see, so they can find other armors easier.

Edited by TrueChaoS
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You might want to look into Lattices and the Lattice modifier for Blender. Only thing is, you can't use the x-axis mirror on the mesh, so if the mesh is symmetrical, and you are modifying a set of vertices, you'll also want to select the vertices that is mirrored on the x-axis, and use x-axis scaling to move these vertices left or right.


However, for low-poly meshes, the method Myrmaad linked to would work well enough.

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