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anime styled mods in skyrim?



23 members have voted

  1. 1. emo/furry/anime

    • This stuff has no place in the world of Skyrim
    • Skyrim is the perfect setting for this stuff

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It takes all sorts to create the world Nebrule, and wisdom comes from learning to accept them and realise others have a right to be themselves. I hope for your sake you learn how to tolerate before you get old-those with a narrow view can't possibly enjoy life or experience it to the fullest, and that's a shame because there's a lot to enjoy outside the prison of intolerence that a lot of people never escape.



yeah all sorts, this world is perfect isn't it? The fact that one can't even voice the rare opposing opinion on this subject without being hounded should provide some insight into wisdom. A person who tolerates everything stands for nothing and a person who stands for nothing has no opinion.


It's fine if some people choose "hate" me for voicing my opinion, they are simply voicing theirs.

Edited by Nebrule
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As much as people hate the complaints, I suggest that the forums are the place for it rather than taking it out on the modders and their release threads.



Stop right there:

It's fine if some people choose "hate" me for voicing my opinion, they are simply voicing theirs.


But you're not voicing your opinion. You are in fact, attempting to dictate what others are allowed to do with, make for, add to their own private single player games, because you don't know how to segregate your searches, and/or keep your mouth shut when you don't like something, or is it that you're afraid you'll be tempted to use them yourself?


I don't care what your reason, you will not muzzle the creativity of others. You are free to make what you like and share if you want. But you are not free to dictate what others share or what others like.

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First up on another crack adled post by yours truly.


I love teh animez, teh is awesome. Teh is spelt teh on purpose. Plus you know if you don't want anime download but damnit dont get in the way of my fun!




Wait what?


This is not civil, it is intentionally flamebaiting, and it's also infantile, self serving, and petty. Two strikes. -myrmaad


Yea just read that again and shook my head in shame apologies to everyone

Edited by stumpndum
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It takes all sorts to create the world Nebrule, and wisdom comes from learning to accept them and realise others have a right to be themselves. I hope for your sake you learn how to tolerate before you get old-those with a narrow view can't possibly enjoy life or experience it to the fullest, and that's a shame because there's a lot to enjoy outside the prison of intolerence that a lot of people never escape.



yeah all sorts, this world is perfect isn't it? The fact that one can't even voice the rare opposing opinion on this subject without being hounded should provide some insight into wisdom. A person who tolerates everything stands for nothing and a person who stands for nothing has no opinion.


It's fine if some people choose "hate" me for voicing my opinion, they are simply voicing theirs.


That would be fine, Nebrule, you are entitled not to like what you do not like and to voice your opinion, but the problem is, how far do you go? Where does it stop? You get unpleasant sites (or should that be troll caves) like SomethingAwful.com that dedicate whole campaigns to attempting to troll modders they've decided they don't like off the internet, that's what happens. I vividly remember having been a beta tester for a large scale race mod for Oblivion which had been put together by a German modder and a renowned US tattoo modder, and beta tested by me, a Britisher. The main theme was actually Western WoW style races! The mod was released and the screens went up, and a short while later I received a PM here on Nexus from another modder "Ginny, you need to have a look at this link...". The link was to a thread entitled something like "Let's get these *&^%$£" awful Japanese modders and their anime crap off the internet" and they cited that particular mod and used my screens. I calmly went in and posted in the thread and pointed out that they were factually incorrect and looked silly and got a further storm of trolling. Quod erat demonstrandum.....


So yeah. I have no time for hating. May I point out that not only do you have the right to express your opinion, others have the right to disagree with it and will shoot your view down.

Vindekarr has put it very well, I feel.


As Myrmaad has referred to, the forum is the place to air views. However I am sure she and the rest of the staff would point out, that Nexus is, thank goodness, a zero tolerance zone for trolling the file threads.

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That would be fine, Nebrule, you are entitled not to like what you do not like and to voice your opinion, but the problem is, how far do you go? Where does it stop? You get unpleasant sites (or should that be troll caves) like SomethingAwful.com that dedicate whole campaigns to attempting to troll modders they've decided they don't like off the internet, that's what happens. I vividly remember having been a beta tester for a large scale race mod for Oblivion which had been put together by a German modder and a renowned US tattoo modder, and beta tested by me, a Britisher. The main theme was actually Western WoW style races! The mod was released and the screens went up, and a short while later I received a PM here on Nexus from another modder "Ginny, you need to have a look at this link...". The link was to a thread entitled something like "Let's get these *&^%$£" awful Japanese modders and their anime crap off the internet" and they cited that particular mod and used my screens. I calmly went in and posted in the thread and pointed out that they were factually incorrect and looked silly and got a further storm of trolling. Quod erat demonstrandum.....


So yeah. I have no time for hating. May I point out that not only do you have the right to express your opinion, others have the right to disagree with it and will shoot your view down.

Vindekarr has put it very well, I feel.


As Myrmaad has referred to, the forum is the place to air views. However I am sure she and the rest of the staff would point out, that Nexus is, thank goodness, a zero tolerance zone for trolling the file threads.



First off the only "trolling" i know of is something I do when i'm bass fishing. Secondly that's a shame about what happend, but my intensions are consciously nothing of the sort. If I could change the title of this thread I would.

I do feel that it may benefit all if modders were allowed to tag their creations under one of these obviously popular subjects/genres.

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