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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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I opted for the Stormcloaks, someone has to stand up to the elves and the Empires appeasement shows it won't be them. Anyway they tried to chop my head off, as a recruitment method it's not the best.
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Politics .. I don't support anyone .. I play both sides like Clint Eastwood in Fist full of dollars .. whichever gives me most loot at the time. If someone crosses me I kill them in nasty ways .. if someone is kind to me I smile falsely, steal what I can and scarper before the heat comes. I'm a total coward and sneak as much as possible, run away and hide if things get too tight. I exploit every exploit and silver tongue my way into getting my own way. I tell people what they want to hear, then when they trust me I back stab them, rape their wives, sell their kids to slavers and throw their pets on the fire. .. anyways now about Skyrim .. I don't play it :P Edited by rebelscum
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I started the game twice with two different characters (an archer and a mage), and due to luck and inattention, I followed the Stormcloak out of town one time and the Imperial the other time. So I have heard both sides of the argument, from the foot-soldier level at least. I admit that, at this early point in the story, it felt much better to give the snooty Imperial captain and her Nord sergeant some payback than it did to attack my fellow prisoners. Of course both characters ended up in the same place after we left the town. But from what I'm seeing in this thread, I haven't made the real decision yet.


I'll delay as long as I can. The Empire compromised on their religious principles and is wasting resources on a rebellion instead of facing their real threat, so it's hard to respect them. Ulfric cannot earn my respect since his motives seem selfish, and if he wins control of Skyrim he'll start a Stalin-style purge and probably re-ignite the civil war. And for now, there are plenty of bandits and undead to fight. So I am protecting the people who grow my food and make my armor, and (for now) politics be hanged.


As for Star Wars and the Empire's evilness, read this.

Edited by runestyr
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I actually liked the Empire in previous games. However in Skyrim 200 years of poor leadership, loss of most of its territory, Thalmor boot licking, religious oppression, political dickwaving, and general asshatery on top of trying to lop my head off made siding with the Stormcloaks a no brainer. The only thing that gave me pause was my hatred for the Thalmor and some Stormcloaks are a little too racist for my taste. Skyrim split form the Empire might make the two easier targets for the Thalmor to invade in the inevitable war to come. However lets be honest in its current state the Empire is going to get trashed by the Dominion regardless and I think a free Skyrim stands a better chance at preparing itself and forming new alliances than being tied to the sinking ship that is the current empire. I want to see Skyrim either form alliances or invade its neighbors and form a new empire or republic in the north to oppose the Dominion encompassing Skyrim, Highrock, Hammerfell, and Northern Cyrodiil.


I don't hate the other races (except High Elves they can all fall in a very deep hole) but the cultural differences along with the geographical distances make including other regions like Blackmarsh a bad idea. Being to spread out and trying to control too vast an area is part of the reason the Roman Empire fell. Just stick to the human dominant regions of Northwestern Tamriel. While we are at it since my guy is after all dragonborn and is the only living person with any connection to Talos put me on the throne of that new nation. I will show those pompous self righteous knife ears what us "uncultured" humans can do in battle. Total war style 'ala Caesar' burn Alinor to cinders.

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I think I'll join the Legion simply because I don't like the Stormcloaks' racist agenda.


Also, Ulfric annoys me :P


The problem is that the empire is pretty much owned by the altmer now, who are pretty racist too. No freedom of religion either, so I will just go with the stormcloaks.

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