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Cant play DLC's?


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You can try this, It helped me when I had a similar problem:


Try deleting the plugins.txt file in C:\Documents and Settings\*Your Username*\Local Settings\Application Data\Fallout3 (but copy it somewhere first) it will reset your load order and deactivate all plugins.


After that check the plugins again and start the game.

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sounds like it might be a case of the wrong location ,if you have downloaded them from steam by default it places them (the dlc) i believe in the games for windows live folder same as the game itself by default is placed in the programs x 86 folder neither do you want ,you want them both in c/games /fallout 3 which you dictate during a custom installation check the locations and if thats the case simply put them all in a nice new folder in the games folder if its not there create it .
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fallout 3 uses GFWL

DLC are loaded under GFWL


if they are not there, you are not using GFWL properly


or you forgot to move the DLC to your actual data directory where they can be played just like any other mod

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