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How will you play? Who will you be?


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I have a couple play throughs in consept mode. First will be 'Little Girl', a Khajiit female. Unarmed specialized likely to join the Dark Brotherhood. Beware the wrath of Sithis in the form of a death from above claw attack! Dragons are not Little Girl's concern. Yes, you look at the pretty dragon, Little Girl will make sure it is the last thing you ever see.......and then run like you wouldn't believe when the dragon spots HER.


((Little Girl being used to formalize Kitty, as opposed to using Katya, is a long running joke from a pen and paper RPG I was in years ago. My charactor was a big goon named Bear Food. Another player's charactor was named Kitty, short for Katya, and acted like a princess......so Bear Food called her Little Girl all the time. Ah, those were the days :P))


Second will be Jo'akyr. An Argonian spell caster UP TO NO GOOD! What that means, not even Joker knows. Jo'akyr is a strange lizard. His idol and delusionally claimed mentor is Maiq the Liar. In his own mind he is a great hero. Sent by the Nine to BURN OUT EVIL! And by evil, I mean anything that isn't REAL. Like children, dragons, horses, and Bosomer. "Like I tell you, Ssssssir.......I have only ever heard of ONE Bosomer. And it died two hundred years ago at the hands of the great Champion of Cyrodil, Sheogorath! The Arena Fan. A blight more evil there never was befor, or since. So if there are Bosomer, it must be the Evil One's ghost possessing a proper Nord. **Nod Nod**. The safest way to exorcise a possessing entity is to set the poor unfortunate host on FIRE. Drives the entity RIGHT OUT. And then you just keep burning because the soulless husk is undead. Zombies are bad. Especially headless ones. How DO they keep following me?" What can I say, guy is just NUTS!


after that......well, depends on what mods come out by the time I have assassinated every possible person with Little Girl, and Jo'akyr's mad crusade against the impossible gets him killed.......and not possessed by the Evil One.

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Going to be a Khajiit male named Ra'Virr (I actually cant decide between this name, Shavir, or Qanaro. maybe some help with this please?), with dark grey (or brown) fur and battlescars and maybe a little facepaint. (I might give him lots of ear rings aswell, seen them in the race pics, look quite cool. Maybe some tiger stripes too)


His class of skills are going to be similar to this:


Bounty Hunter (name): Bow + Longsword and shield + Dual Daggers + Light Armor + Sneak + Lockpick + alchemy ( not a high priority, only for poisoning tough targets, Im saying this as a minor priority as I'm sticking with 7 major skills, so this one, the 8th, is a minor skill, like you could get in Morrowind.)

And even though the skill was removed ( mostly for roleplay purposes) Hand to hand for disposing of targets non lethally... :ninja:

Edited by woopersnaper
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Breton, female. Considering a couple of names, but so far "Nymrit Morningstar" ("Nym" for short) is my favorite. Proably going to be a magic and bow and arrow user, with two daggers for close range. Proably going to never to have her wear any form of shoes just for the sake of that I can walk around Skyrim barefoot.
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