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Problem with Construction Set, Please Help!


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Well hello guys.

Ok first of all to put it in the side;

1. Im new on modding, but I want to test it to try to make master pieces when Skyrim!!!!:) arrives, but I cant finish the work.

2. Im in Vista, but my files are not in pogram files because I read all Bethesda pages in the Internet that I could find, and I did all of them as hard I could. Also I did those process many times to check if I was right, but the bummer always got me.


Ok the thing I ask you all, if I may.


1. Ok as I said to all of you that im new at modding, but ive done all possible answers i could find on the internet, but not any hope.Also that I have Vista and that my game ( In wish it took me so hard to find, because since the Games Stops didnt had them. Well I kept looking. Then when a year passed I discovered my uncle had one, and thank god WoW, because of that he gave me his game.) is not on the pogram files as those pages said. Now I com to you all to, if you all wish, help me out on this.


2. Well when I starts the Construction Set with patch of Shiverin Isles, because my uncle if im right had all the expansions. Well when I start it it is all fine, but then when i finish the part of the mod that is making the places, and characters and quest and all that more. Then I have to go to make a dialouge, topic ( Something that will mak another person talk) = This that I said is in general, just to let you all know, then my Construction Set automacially stops working and then it gets a white color and the a mesage apears that it says :

"TesConstruction Set Stopped Working"

Window will notify if there is a solution to the problem.


See and I dont know what to do. Can you all help me out with this? oh and if you want, if there is a link that may help me solvi this, can you tell me?


Soory for bad English.

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If you are trying to work with voice files, I believe that Bethesda broke that when they came out with the latest version of the Construction Set (version 1.2.404). There is a work around using the old version of the CS I believe, but I'm not sure of all the details to get that to work. Here's a quote from the Construction Set Wiki tutorial Dialogue Tutorial

Now hit the 'Generate Lip File' button, which will create a file (a .lip) which will make the NPC's lips move in sync with the audio.

Note: The 'Generate Lip File' button is broken version 1.2 of the construction set and so doesn't work. In order to generate the necessary lip files you have to use the original version of the CS.

Construction Set Download Site and CS Wiki

Lip Template - a small .esp file that you load instead of Oblivion.esm when you have the latest oblivion patch, use this to generate the lip files instead of loading oblivion.esm, it is much much much faster. Other than that, everything should work the same, just make sure you are using the old version of the CS, and that it's set up properly.

Forum Thread that discusses how to install CS V1.0 with CS V1.2 and more on the issue

A quote from the CS Wiki page The Elder Scrolls Construction Set

There are also a few bugs introduced in version 1.2. Most notably, the utility which created the lip synch files for voiced dialogue is broken — It will not work. The Construction Set Extender OBSE plugin fixes this bug, among others.

Here's a link for Construction Set Extender from here on TESNexus.

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No voice or lip sync, just trying to write a dialogue/quest. The CS crashes whenever I try to modify or add a topic.


... Of course, if just writing a new line of dialogue should cause the CS to try to match a voice, then it would crash.

Edited by ModdHunter
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Perhaps someone else can confirm this for me, but I think I've seen mention that for whatever reason some people's CS won't handle certain things (pathgriding I know I've seen mention of, but I think I may have seen dialogue too, but I could be mistaken). TES Alliance is another great source of modding knowledge (and is probably where I've seen those comments I mentioned).
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