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The unofficial Nexus eve channel!


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I decided to make a player channel for Nexus members in eve. It is;


The Nexus Forum


Join as you wish, It will start small obviously but I encourage you all to stick around in it and have it grow. It'll be a place we can meet up when playing eve, talk about it, or other nexus games. and just general BS.

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I decided to make a player channel for Nexus members in eve. It is;


The Nexus Forum


Join as you wish, It will start small obviously but I encourage you all to stick around in it and have it grow. It'll be a place we can meet up when playing eve, talk about it, or other nexus games. and just general BS.


Oh, then I will join....at least if I still have time for it....SKYRIM!

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  • 7 months later...

Nice initiative. I joined for a few weeks- but there was no activity (and no members) when I was on, thus left the channel. Some nexians (Abramul, Sycamore, myself) hang around in XDIN channel, which is open for all to join.


It appears that a nexus channel in eve is only going to work if we have an agenda- or a common cause- or large numbers. Noting the state of this forum, where many times there are no posts for months- chances of an active nexus channel in eve are slim.

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