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How will heatlh regen work?


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I hate the idea of healing while moving. Terrible idea. If anything they could of made a way to rest or wait to heal and bandage yourself or something.


Pretty much you will always been at full health when out of combat now? Its already in I guess, good thing we have mods.


I guess people don't understand that TES shouldn't be about fighting constantly and should not be a FPS. Lost hope for better AI now as well, maybe better combat AI but that is it.

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Honestly, a person came across so many health potions in Oblivion that this really isn't much of a difference. It seems like even the limit on how many potions you could drink didn't much matter and you also had your health spells as well so you'd have to sit and wait for your magic to regenerate anyways if you had to use that. I'd rather have been moving on with the story.
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Well I always waited after combat and heal myself and this is not different. Now about how much it heals you. I think 10 mins for full health would sound just about right. It's no different than it was in Oblivion. And for those who didn't use "wait" to heal in Oblivion I guess you can find/make a mod that stops auto-healing. But then you should also remove healing while waiting, fast traveling, excessive potions (because there were too many potions in Oblivion) and magicka regeneration because that's not realistic either and you'd use you healing spells (at least the one spell you had from the start) to heal after magicka regenerated. Edited by babis8142
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Since magicka regenerated and you had healing spells, thus giving you an infinite supply of health out of combat, this is really just to make things less annoying.


It only works outside of combat, and the rate is pretty slow too, you need around 1 minute to fully heal yourself on level 1, so it hardly makes the game "more FPS" or "easier".



Also, the realism argument doesn't hold much water when the alternative is to get fully healed just by 8 hours of sleep...

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Or one hour for that matter. Realism in a game with spells doesn't sound right.

Besides, this game is action RPG not hardcore RPG.


But if someone wanted to make it realistic here's an idea for a mod:

You only get half the health you have lost when you sleep. So if your health is 100 and you got 10 left (close to death) you sleep (and regardless of time) you get 45 health back. Now you have 55 health. You sleep and then you get 22 health. Then you have 77. Then again you sleep and you get 11 health and you have 88. And so on and so on.

looool :D :P

Edited by babis8142
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People need to understand there is a difference between quick automatic healing out of battle and healing yourself before exploring and such.


There is no reason anyone should need potions now if its fast. There is no reason to cook. There is no reason for any healing items.


Its not about realism, it is about making s*** a lot less immersive. I like to be able to heal myself and feel like I need to get to safety other then just auto healing when running around.

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I strongly believe its not like in fps games. (Wait behind stone for 6 seconds and you are again ready to kick dragon's butt)

Something logical.

Like regen outside of combat, that would be nice.

It was annoying in oblivion that you fight against minotaur in the woods and got like 10 hp, killed minotaur, heading towards beach.


wild mudcrab appears

You've been killed.


And ppl who liked cooking and such, I guess there is special buffs on food items, so it's not just +5 hp for 10 seconds.

And you can eat if you think it is right.


A lot of ppl think its crippling gameplay if you need to be alchemist or foodmaker to survive.

(Don't get me wrong, I don't support that fps style hp regen)

But a little bit of regen is also immersion, not breaking it.


"oh poo, that mudcrap made small wound, That is not gonna get any better unless I drink this potion of magical healing"

Edited by MrPancakeman
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I'm not that bothered about it, Oblivion had you transfer regenerating mana to health, this just saves spamming the healing spells. The only downside I can see is It might make leveling up restoration a little harder, you'll be using the healing spells less often.
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