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Radio Station Mods

Guest gabrielforums

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Guest gabrielforums

Howdie All


Have only recently started playing Fallout 3 and am still near the beginning. Before moving past the Vault 101 exit I decided to go and find all the mods I wanted to use.


I have a question regarding the user created radio staions like IPip, KBat, Historic Speeches, Mystery Theatre etc.


Do enabling any of these overwrite any of the existing radio stations (PS I do not know what radio staions exist in the game and would prefer not to know, outside of those I can hear from Vault 101) ?


Is there a limit to the number I can have ?


Any other problems anyone can think of by enabling these mods ? (I have a decent rig, so performancewise should not be an issue).


Thankyou everyone for reading and extra thanks for those who reply !!!!


PS First Nexus post (unless I posted one a year or so ago and cannot remember), so please excuse any forum faux pa's.

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I'm not sure about most of those,but the one's I've installed (Existence 2.0, Tenpenny Tower Radio and Vocaloid Radio) won't override any existing stations.You just get more stations to choose from.


The only ones that might present a problem are mods that alter a vanilla station (GNR,Enclave,Agetha's) if not installed properly.


If you'ld like to try them out, you can find them here


Existence 2.0 Robot Radio Experimental music with an interesting sidequest


Vocaloid Radio Japanese Vocaloid artists (Hatsune Miku,Megurine Luka,etc)


Tenpenny Tower Radio Bosa Nova Jazz

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