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DLC Radio SIgnals Reduction

Guest gabrielforums

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Guest gabrielforums



NOTE : I would appreciate No Spoilers please. If you wouldn't mind keeping examples generic. Mainly interested in plot/quest etc spoliers rather then game mechanics stuff; which is fine from my perspective (and I assume Forum rules).


I am only just starting FALLOUT 3 (finished tutorial and saved) and am currently collecting mods I am interested in before continuing further.


I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a mod which would reduce the signal range for DLC radio signals. Ithought I found one the other day, but it seemed to do other things to.


Thats all I want to do, so preferably a mod that doesn't alter other facets (or that is customizeable).


Thanks to everyone who reads, and hopefully replies.

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There may be a mod that specifically reduces the range for the start of the DLC's and only that, but I am not aware of it. (not all are radio signals btw)

I have a personalized mod that does this but I have not and do not plan on releasing it as it also has other customized game tweeks.

What I would suggest to you though is to download this mod http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16928 because while it does do many other things besides reduce the start range of the DLC's, they are all error fixes to FO3 and will improve your gameplay.


Good Luck

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Guest gabrielforums

Thanks mate, I will look into it.




There may be a mod that specifically reduces the range for the start of the DLC's and only that, but I am not aware of it. (not all are radio signals btw)

I have a personalized mod that does this but I have not and do not plan on releasing it as it also has other customized game tweeks.

What I would suggest to you though is to download this mod http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16928 because while it does do many other things besides reduce the start range of the DLC's, they are all error fixes to FO3 and will improve your gameplay.


Good Luck

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