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Camp Golf Infinite Load


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Hi All.


So one or two posts mentioning camp golf, but couldn't find a good answer to the problem. Running a couple of mods (mentioned below) and can't seem to enter the building at Camp Golf. Have tried entering from the front door and have also movetoqt up to the balcony to speak to Hanlon. Now Hanlon has gone to his office where i have to meet him. Tried waiting an hour and again used movetoqt to try getting straight into his office and skipping the building, but same result. Same result also achieved from using door on balcony. Any advice would be appreciated.


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] Brahmin Bess.esm

[X] Ambient Temperature.esm

[X] OWNB - Open World.esm

[X] NVR-Strip.esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] Run the Lucky 38.esm

[X] aHUD.esm

[X] 26_fixes.esp

[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp

[X] perfectcampsite.esp

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] Kobu's New Game Quick Start and Better Rebuild.esp

[X] Mr Moneybags.esp

[X] New Vegas Trade Center.esp

[X] OWNB - Red Canyon Overhaul.esp

[X] RustTownV1-1.esp

[X] 188improved.esp

[X] The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp

[X] NVR-NPCs.esp

[X] NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp


[X] NVR-Version_10.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] NewVegasBounties.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] xatmosSkillPerks.esp

[X] FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp

[X] SaveCass.esp

[X] Better Binoculars Max.esp

[X] FlashlightNVSE.esp

[X] Seeker Armor.esp

[X] PN-PA-Boost.esp

[X] RHKGilbertCompanion.esm

[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

[X] FarmingSomebodyNotBob.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] friendofnightforfellout.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp

[X] XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp

[X] Mojave Express Expanded.esp

[X] Faster Terminals.esp

[X] Project Nevada - EVE.esp

[X] Project Nevada - WME.esp

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@Fonger - i do have BOSS installed... after a certain number of mods it just starts putting them at the end. I didn't know about the .esm and .esp thing, but it makes sense seeing the .eps's patch the .ems's.


@nahtanoJ Should i just try and move the .esm's higher up or is there a specific approach here?


Thanks to you both for the replies. I have been playing Fallout for a long time and modding it since Fo3, but i only recently decided to get more informed by doing a few tutorials and using FEdit... so this is relatively new to me. Eventually i want to get into modding.

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@Fonger - i do have BOSS installed... after a certain number of mods it just starts putting them at the end. I didn't know about the .esm and .esp thing, but it makes sense seeing the .eps's patch the .ems's.

Boss does not put esm's after esp's


so you are doing something to work against the advise of boss

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Hi Fonger. I would like to believe that also, but unfortunately that is not the case. I updated BOSS and ran it again. It definitely places esm's after eps's and then the load analyzer tool informs me that some of those esp's loaded before the esm's rely on the esm's - so there's a problem right there.


HOWEVER: it might have something to do with me running master update and that turning some esp's into esm's (it gives that "this extension is esp but the header says esm" message.) Also, the load order report doesn't seem to recognise a bunch of my mods - things like Project Nevada; so i don't know if that is weird or not.


The problem still persists - black screen - no images and an infinite load. Really sucks. I don't really want to remove mods until i find the culprit as that could rly mess up my save. Also don't feel like removing all the mods (and all the FEdit work) and starting with a fresh batch of mods.

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@Fonger - i do have BOSS installed... after a certain number of mods it just starts putting them at the end. I didn't know about the .esm and .esp thing, but it makes sense seeing the .eps's patch the .ems's.

Boss does not put esm's after esp's


so you are doing something to work against the advise of boss



HOWEVER: it might have something to do with me running master update and that turning some esp's into esm's (it gives that "this extension is esp but the header says esm" message.) Also, the load order report doesn't seem to recognise a bunch of my mods - things like Project Nevada; so i don't know if that is weird or not.



so you are doing something to work against the advise of boss

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Haha. Did you enjoy that? It looks like you enjoyed that?! :-P I certainly enjoyed the response.


So you are saying BOSS doesn't/can't deal with "master updating" the mods?


So you have identified the problem - any suggestions on how to fix it?!


Edit*** Forgot to mention: the building i cannot enter is House Resort. Thought i'd throw that in there in case someone is searching for a solution to a similar problem. :-)


Edit******* Any new suggestions?

Edited by wmdvanzyl
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Thanks quicksilva. I have been thinking that i might need to remove all the mods and start over. A couple of hours was spent in NVEdit to get it to where it is now and it is a lot mroe stable. At one point i was getting crashes every 10 minutes or so, then down to once an hour and now it's mostly error free - except for this House Resort issue. So it is very discouraging to think i need to go back through all that again. However, if that is what is needed, then that is what i will have to do i guess.


So am i right in saying that no-one is really sure which mod causes the problem with House Resort?

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