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Full list of Racial Bonuses


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I'm looking at the racial abilities and thinking there is room for improvement. I would have liked to see some penalties assigned. Something like Khajiit -10 2-handed or Orc -10 to all magic skills. I'd really like to see work like this; no matter how strong a Khjiit becomes he can never use the biggest war hammer to the same degree as a weak Orc. Conversly no matter how fast the Orc becomes he'll never catch a slow Khajiit.
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Conversly no matter how fast the Orc becomes he'll never catch a slow Khajiit.


Or a lying one. :thumbsup:


Ha, you got that right. M'aiq the Liar one slow Khajiit, always running and very hard to catch.

Edited by macole
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If this game works anything like previous TES games, there is a good chance you will be able to learn Racial Powers from the other races... I wouldn't read too much into the Orc superiority thing until this is either confirmed or denied.
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I'm going with Argonian, because I like Argonians. I'll probably do a Khajiit for my second play-through. The bonuses are really secondary in my decision of what to play.


I know many considered the Argonians a weaker player choice in Oblivion, but it didn't stop me from creating Argonian characters for most of my play-throughs.

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This cannot be right....


Imperials don't have any bonuses to speech? WTF was bethesda thinking??? So much for lore...


Orc racial OP much? Honestly, nothing even comes close in comparison. Orcs will be running around 2 shotting dragons....derp


I know they really need to nerf that or the pvp is going to be gimped right? oh.... :eyeroll:

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If this was an online game, I'd be raging right now.


Luckily it's only a single player, so my only complaints are:


  • Not going an orc will dramatically reduce your potential to kill just about everything.
  • Wood elves have the combined passives of Argonians and Redguards (50% reduced disease and poison, while Argonians and Reguards only have one of these traits. THE FRACK!?)


EDIT: Just so we're all aware, racial bonuses should not be the determining factor in your race choice, as they will impact little...unless you're an orc. Even with the orc racial, it will likely be a once-per-day thing.


I'm just upset that Wood Elves are superior to Argonians in that they have more resistances.

Edited by Overmind267
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Honestly I think that if you want to play an RPG, there should be clear differences between the races. What's the point in having 10 equally-powered races, especially now when we only have the ability to choose a race and not major/minor skills?


Each one of the races have been designed to basically match the characteristics of their nature. If you think about it, is it really wrong that an orc, who is naturally an axe-wielding/skull-bashing/head on to battle- type, has a stronger racial bonus than, for example a wood elf?


I don't mind the challenge to bring down a dragon with my assassin character, it just brings more suspension and is more rewarding to me.

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