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Modern Warefare 3


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i just watched a few gameplay videos of MW3, and i have to wonder why anyone continues to buy it. it looks the same as every other CoD. the riot shield looks completely overpowered. the games focus is just get ppl high K/D ratios so they feel like they are badass. like really. there was no skill in the gameplay footage i was watching. just a bunch of bad mechanics like killing ppl 100yds away with a handgun. yea it can happen in battlefield, but not to the extent i saw it in mw3. its just horrible.


ive realized that CoD is the only game keeping xbox going. without it, the 360 would fail. sure its got halo and gears, both great games (nvr played them, but cant deny the fan base) but idk if thats enough to keep it going. without CoD what does the 360 have? and they know it. they base tons of marketing around CoD. and CoD bases all its marketing around the 360. every review, most gameplay footage, all done with the xbox, like its the only system that CoD can be played on...its just horrible. ive never seen a multi platform game cater to one specific system so much (besides some PC games, which makes sense)


im not a fan of BF3. i loved bfbc2, but bf3 was made for fans of the Battlefield series and not the Bad Company series. i cancelled my pre order after i played the beta. i dont like prone, i dont like the fact you die faster (its proven, it takes less bullets to kill ppl) and i deff dont like the two combined. and ive heard that the destruction isnt quite as good as bfbc2 either. but i gotta say, outta the two games, bf3 and mw3, i would choose bf3 any day. (and if my friend decides to get bf3 when he gets his ps3 then i still might get it) its graphics are way better. the movement is smoother. i think it sounds better. its more realistic, and something as small as reloading just feels better. in CoD you reload in like 1.5 seconds. bullets drop, there are physics, and whether Frostbite 3.0 is better then 2.0 or not, there is still more destruction in bf3 then mw3. the community on battlefield is better. on every system. ive never been attracted to the CoD series. nvr owned any of their games, and i think i played for a total of 30 minutes with a friend on MW2 (did pretty good i must say) i think even if someone gave me MW3 for christmas or something, it would just be a free trade in to my local store for some store credit. i wouldnt even open it to try it.



tl;dr: i will not be buying mw3. and while i prolly wont be getting bf3 either, im more likely to buy that then CoD.

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I like MW3 much better then the 2nd one, the community in the game is still awful. But when comparing it to BF3 BETA and based on what my friends tell me about it, its much better then BF3.

The gameplay however is still very much the same, fun... but dissapointing.

The only reason they show gameplay on xbox more then anyother system is because its the system its best for. Like TF2 is mainly based around the PC.

Gears of war 3, for me gets a MAJOR thumbs up :thumbsup: . As halo is also a good game, and BFBC2 was one of my favorite online games for xbox. BF3 was a fail... MW3 is just the same game as the other COD games...

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see, my friends who played Battlefield 2 and before, liked/loved BF3...but the few of my friends who started with BFBC2 like me, dont really like it....as one of my friends put it...the game itself is deff an 8 or 9 out of 10 in many respects, but he (as well as a lot of ppl) really expected a 10 or 11 out of 10. so it was only a let down in that it didnt live up to the hype...hes currently still playing it.



but my opinions are only based on game play footage for MW3 and the beta for BF3.


and the "system its best for" is all a matter of opinion. as i said, xbox markets specifically for CoD, and vise versa. ppl are led to believe that the xbox is made for CoD and vise versa, but its a matter of opinion. whatever system you prefer is the system its going to work on. unless you give into Propaganda, in which case youll believe whatever system they tell you is the best, is the best.



i told my friend if he buys the game, then ill consider getting it after a price drop (i wont pay no more then $40) just for the coop....maybe :P

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Mw3's gameplay is fun, but has already bored me sense I just keep doing the same thing over and over again.

As BFBC2 was more fun for some reason (Probably because of the classes).

The CO-OP for MW3 is fun, like the survival is really fun to play with a friend but does get old sense its the same thing over and over again.

Im just waiting for Saints Row 3 to come out tuesday, sense im getting it as an early christmas present.

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