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So my 21st birthday is November 10th..


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While I have a ton of stuff planned with friends that night, I'm probably most looking forward to showing up at gamestop on midnight, buzzed(with a friend driving) and ready to play Skyrim all night! Probably the best birthday present ever. On a side note I still have no idea what I want to play..


I played morrowind when I was still a kid and had a redguard warrior, who ran around with Umbra naked at 200 mph and killed everything.. And in oblivion I was a sword and board fighter again for my main playthrough. This time I want to try something more creative. I was thinking a two-hand weilding, plate wearing necromancer. Something along the lines of a dark paladin, but I'm not sure how effective that will be in practice..


Sorry if this was a pointless post, but I just thought it was awesome when I found out the release date was the day after my 21st birthday and wanted to share.. :) Also this is my first post!

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