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Taking Offense...


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If you are annoyed at someone when they are doing something that in not intentionally screwing with you, its most likely your own fault. If someone is purposely doing something to annoy you then it is their fault.


:laugh: :no:


"it's most likely your fault"?


If my spouse constantly loses the cap to the toothpaste, that is annoying. It may be lovably in character if he is an absent minded professor type, but it's still an annoyance when the paste dries up and the kids don't want to brush their teeth.


Or how about the wife who won't fill out the check register, "cuz you know, math isn't her thing". That's an annoyance.


These are not your fault.


If these spouses care about you, they will modify their behavior out of respect for your concerns.

People should not have to be forced to change the way they do things simply because it is slightly annoying to a single individual.


Losing the cap to something is not exactly the same as what I meant. Losing the cap to a toothpaste tube isn't just something you can deal with because it has realistic negative effects to other people.


I meant more along the lines of things that did not have realistic negative effects on people. Such as hanging up a poster or tapping your hand.

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People should not have to be forced to change the way they do things simply because it is annoying


Oh yes they should. That is exactly my point. If they can't be arsed to change their behavior in order to ensure a harmonious partnership then they are pathetic because as I said, "it's all about MEEEE" even though it's in their own self-interest in order to protect their most important and potentially rewarding and potentially self-protective relationship, and if they really can't do that, humanity is doomed.


On a larger scale this is exactly what we've lost as a society.



Now I know I've changed your meaning a bit, but bear with me, because you are right, if it's a slight annoyance, out of respect you, I can suspend my annoyance or decide to not let it bother me, but we are not talking about a "slight" annoyance when we are discussing, for example, a man in a traditionally male domain, using his position and traditional place of power, to reduce or remind his new female workmates just entering that traditionally male domain, traditionally objectified as good for only motherhood or sex, of "her place" via sexual cheesecake pictures -- which in my experience are easy to see when in a locker area. I've been around a lot of old boys. I served in the US military don't forget.


And that's without even being privy to the body language and undercurrents of unspoken tension that I can easily imagine in such a situation, having been in such situations myself.

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you have to be careful about everything now a days cause everything has the potential to be a hate crime. and because its so easy, many ppl will take that and run with it trying to get some money or sympathy or whatever. its stupid


you can say what you want to me, i have some pretty thick skin...and if you do manage to get under my skin, its not like im gunna go home and slit my wrists (crap did i just do a hate crime on emo kids?....crap i think emo is a stereotype....crap i think crap can offend people.)



just look at the whole Obama thing. anyone who doesnt support him is a racist. its pathetic.


Do you even know the legal definition of "hate crime"? I'm guessing not, from your post, so let me break it down:


A hate crime must involve an actual crime. This can be harrassment, threatening behaviour (technical assault in England and Wales), assault occasioning actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, murder, sexual assault and vandalism (criminal damage). The crime must be motivated by hatred of a group of people with a protected characteristic (e.g. race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, transgender status).


Just making fun of people is not a hate crime. Actually going up to someone and verbally abusing and threatening that person because they are different, however, is. Making fun of people for being different is, whilst not a legal wrong, usually treated as an ethical wrong, and when people complain about (for example) newscasters or comedians saying something bigoted and write letters to the network, it is nothing to do with hate crimes.

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just look at the whole Obama thing. anyone who doesnt support him is a racist. its pathetic.

What? I don't support Obama and I am a liberal. I am pretty sure a whole lot of other liberals also do not support Obama. Who exactly says that?


I do agree that a lot of things can be a hate crime and taking offense and using the law should be done in extreme cases only.


um, A LOT of people say it. watch CNN. they say it all the time. Morgan Freeman has said it blatently as well.

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People should not have to be forced to change the way they do things simply because it is annoying


Oh yes they should. That is exactly my point. If they can't be arsed to change their behavior in order to ensure a harmonious partnership then they are pathetic because as I said, "it's all about MEEEE" even though it's in their own self-interest in order to protect their most important and potentially rewarding and potentially self-protective relationship, and if they really can't do that, humanity is doomed.


On a larger scale this is exactly what we've lost as a society.



Now I know I've changed your meaning a bit, but bear with me, because you are right, if it's a slight annoyance, out of respect you, I can suspend my annoyance or decide to not let it bother me, but we are not talking about a "slight" annoyance when we are discussing, for example, a man in a traditionally male domain, using his position and traditional place of power, to reduce or remind his new female workmates just entering that traditionally male domain, traditionally objectified as good for only motherhood or sex, of "her place" via sexual cheesecake pictures -- which in my experience are easy to see when in a locker area. I've been around a lot of old boys. I served in the US military don't forget.


And that's without even being privy to the body language and undercurrents of unspoken tension that I can easily imagine in such a situation, having been in such situations myself.

I can agree with that then.


@hoofhearted can you give me a link to that?

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