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Skyrim Armor Dyes


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Update for my notes*


3 neutrals - Black, grey, white

1 oiled dye - oiled coat that brings out a good luster on armor (essentially a sharpening/enhancing option)

16 colors - red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple (6) (not bright/neon, darker, more realistic) and their 6 less-saturated counterparts


Possibly include Armor Plating - Gold, Silver, Copper, that may, or may not add attributes to the armor itself


Dyes collect/created by ingredients, and NPC at shop will sell some as well.


Possibly have 'Artisan Dyes'. Specialty dyes that are 'brighter' for those who want them..

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Ingredients Update***


Terms, names, definitions are subject to change. But this should give direction I'm thinking of going. I asked you guys, and people responded. You guys want dye crafted from ingredients!


For cloth or soft (non-metal) armor - salt is required for Direct Dye process (substantive)

Metal Armors - cannot be dyed, but rather 'painted'. Requires powdered particles to act as dye reservoirs, or pigment, that adheres to metal armor. (such as bone meal or vampire dust) Also requires Dwarven Oil or Spriggan Sap as binders, or both. (wip)

Artisan Dyes - Requires more exotic ingredients. Fire salts, ectoplasm, etc. and Powder Mammoth Tusk to bring out more saturated colors


Ingredient lists so far - (some ingredients may or may not be required, depending on armor type (metal or non-metal)




Red Mountain Flower

Bleeding Crown




Blue Butterfly Wing

Blue Mountain Flower

Blue Dartwing




Butterfly Wing

Mora Tapinella

Dragon's Tongue


More to come!

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I would start small... don't worry about crafting dyes just yet. I would make sure you get the scripts working properly and then you can work on combining dyes and crafting dyes.

That's just me though. It does sound cool, but I can see a little speedbump with trying to dye enchanted armour :thumbsup:

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I've thought of doing this as well. It's unlikely that I will end up doing it as i think it's going to require more artistic work then actual scripting.


I'd recommend just doing three primary colours, and have the player able to mix between the three of them to create the other colours. Possible shortfalls to overcome: - Can you dye enchanted/unique pieces of armour?

- Will the dyed armour be a duplicate of the original armour? (IE For each piece of armour, have 5 variations of each colour)

- Crafting the dye - you can pick bugs and butterflys out of the sky - perhaps use them to craft dyes


I'd be interested in scripting it all together if someone was to actually create the dyed armour. I have photoshop and minimal experience texturing, so it would probably just look like a transparent overlay if I do it. Otherwise, I may have my hands full with another project I'm planning.


i would definitely be able to do the retextures if someone was trying to do this. i cant do the scripting but i could make the textures fairly easily.

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So is that, any of those things will do for the dye or do you need all 4 red things for red dye?


Ingredient lists so far - (some ingredients may or may not be required, depending on armor type (metal or non-metal)
Edited by droscoe2
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See, the new textures for the basic armor look nice, certainly, and I love the idea of this mod, but the colors are too vibrant and saturated for Skyrim I think.


Not everything is grey, but everything in the game is a bit muted, and while the sharper contrast does look better it just feels to me like it clashes with the overall look of the game.

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