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Day One Patch


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No game is without a patch on the first day of release these days, and Skyrim is no exception. Bethesda has announced its plans to release a patch for its upcoming RPG for all three platforms—the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3—upon the game's release.


Nothing is known about what the patch is set to contain, but it will, without a doubt, fix bugs that otherwise managed to make it into the release version of the game—presumably ones too late for the company to fix before sending the disc off to the burners.



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Well you can't expect them to just sit on their asses after the game goes gold. They start working on patches and dlc when they finish the game, not when we receive it.
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I don't know why everyone hates patches so much; fifteen minutes (on the high end) and you can go back to gaming, only you'll be playing a higher quality, less buggy game. Sounds like a great trade-off to me. As someone said before me, they start work on patches as soon as the game is done, not as soon as we get it. We should be thankful Bethesda is committed to supporting the game after launch and fixing problems even after they have our cash.
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I hope the bug fixes are just for small things, I definitely won't be able to get the game patched that day...


Steam doesn't allow to run unpatched games if it detects that there is a patch available (ie. if you activate it and it "sees" the patch you must download it before you can launch the game).

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