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Oblivion modding after Skyrim's release


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Ok everyone, here's the deal:


I've been working on, let's call it a standalone expantion, for Oblivion for quite some time now. It features an (at least in my opinion) engaging storyline set in a brand new world and at least 10 hours of gameplay. It's mostly finnished, but I've realized that I won't be able to release it before Skyrim comes out. So, my question to you, dear community, is very simple: will you still be playing Oblivion after 11.11.11? In other words, should I bother to continue working on my expantion and aim for a release in, say, a month?

I remember playing Morrowind myself some time after Oblivion's release, but I can't honestly say that I can see myself playing Oblivion much after Skyrim is released.


So what should I do? Keep working towards a post-Skyrim release, or look at the last two years of work as a learning experience in the arts of modding and time-management and start fresh up north?

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I don't see why you wouldn't want to release it.


By the way, there has been a similar situation on Fallout 3 Nexus.

A modder recently published his work of 2 years, a huge new world and quest mod.

The release has been quite succesful for a now 3 year old game.

If you want to take a peek:

Alton IL - Huge World and Quest Mod



Again, I don't see why you wouldn't want to release it.

The only thing that is for discussion would be timing: I wouldn't release it this month.


Maybe shortly before Christmas would be a good idea.

Then you still have some time for testing and bugfixing.


Just keep it coming! :dance:

Edited by Milemarker
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I will ot be getting skyrim until atleast January I know I will want to play my Oblivion. So Finish it because I think not everyone will be getting Skyrim right away either. I will want to play your expansion too.


Ok everyone, here's the deal:


I've been working on, let's call it a standalone expantion, for Oblivion for quite some time now. It features an (at least in my opinion) engaging storyline set in a brand new world and at least 10 hours of gameplay. It's mostly finnished, but I've realized that I won't be able to release it before Skyrim comes out. So, my question to you, dear community, is very simple: will you still be playing Oblivion after 11.11.11? In other words, should I bother to continue working on my expantion and aim for a release in, say, a month?

I remember playing Morrowind myself some time after Oblivion's release, but I can't honestly say that I can see myself playing Oblivion much after Skyrim is released.


So what should I do? Keep working towards a post-Skyrim release, or look at the last two years of work as a learning experience in the arts of modding and time-management and start fresh up north?

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Release it! Like Milemarker said, I made sure to get Alton out well before Skyrim's release (roughly 2 weeks or so beforehand), so in your case I'd wait until sometime in December or so. The biggest fear I had going in was that because New Vegas has pretty much dried up the FO3 community, I wouldn't get many downloads. But I got file of the month in October after releasing on the 28th, so I'd say that you'll do just fine. ;)
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It will be some months until I release my mod/expansion/overhaul/whatever you want to call it as well. I've spent 2 years on it (but almost all of that time was learning how to do stuff lol) and it's getting close to an Alpha release. I won't be scared off by Skyrim (although I know that I will have less players because of it... but whatever).
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Well many will keep playing Oblivion for a long time after Skyrim has been released. The biggest reasons I think are that there are so many great mods for Oblivion and a lot of people will not have a fast enough computer to run Skyrim.

It will take time before Skyrim will catch up with great mods and for people to buy new computers.

So I say it's well worth it to finish and release your mod.

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Well many will keep playing Oblivion for a long time after Skyrim has been released. The biggest reasons I think are that there are so many great mods for Oblivion and a lot of people will not have a fast enough computer to run Skyrim.

It will take time before Skyrim will catch up with great mods and for people to buy new computers.

So I say it's well worth it to finish and release your mod.


I had the same problem, I just released my mod yesterday, 8 months of work.


However I kindof had to release before skyrim because of some of the plot themes in the game, so I didnt have much choice. But I expect that people will still be playing it next week, just, not as many. Kindof sucks, but thats life. I plan to make future mods for Skyrim though, this will be the last oblivion mod I make.

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Skyrim sounds like a great game, but it has steep system requirements, including the use of steamware. I will be buying it for the x360 first, as my internet connection is iffy and I have no computer right now. I will be buying a new computer soon, but I'm unsure if my video card I'm looking at will handle the demand of Skyrim. I love modded oblivion and will be playing it and modding it even if I can use Skyrim.


I look forward to seeing your mod when you release it. Hopefully I will have a computer by the time you release it. If you would pm me when it is uploaded, I would appreciate that.


Thanks for this post, I notice a lot of modders are afraid of Skyrim killing Oblivion, but as bben46 pointed out, Morrowind still has fresh content as well. I would recommend checking it out if you get a chance. Just make sure to get the Morrowind Graphics Extender. The game is nearly unplayable without it.


Thanks again,


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