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Bloodmoon Solstheim rebuilt


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Personally, now that werewolves are "unofficially" confirmed I'd like to see Solstheim now it is 200 or so years from the Morrowind events. Especially if the Bloodmoon event was coming around again. Solstheim always felt more Skyrim then Morrowind. I'd also want the mod after completion to be open to mods requiring it as a base, sorta like it is an expansion.


Towns: Thirsk village and mead hall (Emphasis on the village)

Skaal village and keepers of the stones huts

Town and fort of Raven Rock

Fort Frostmoth and town 200 years later fort in disrepair, defending small port town

Rhyndail (planned new build-a-settlement near the alter of Thrond)


If possible I'd have a small team like Tamreil Rebuilt pump this out, or one really good modder who loved Bloodmoon. http://justinpride.notsleepytime.org/Pictures/Maps/tamriel-solstheim.jpg


Who would be interested in joining in?

Edited by jmilldog
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  On 11/10/2011 at 12:34 AM, Skibblets said:

I'm sure there's already a team working on it somewhere.


Unless it's Bethesda working on it I don't think anyone is working on that yet. The game hasn't even been released yet. If you mean there are already people planning this then point me to them, I want to help!

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you have any notable skills?


I know of a group of people who want to make this a reality. Of course you're welcome to create your on vision of it too. I'm following someone else's vision, but I know it will be quality I agree on. So if they want more help I don't see it being an issue asking to add another.

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  On 11/10/2011 at 2:35 AM, Skibblets said:

you have any notable skills?


I know of a group of people who want to make this a reality. Of course you're welcome to create your on vision of it too. I'm following someone else's vision, but I know it will be quality I agree on. So if they want more help I don't see it being an issue asking to add another.


I'm good at writing quests and side quests, bugfinding, maze and map design, and concept art. If the group you are talking about needs any of those skills, then could you show me them, and maybe I'll be able to help. This was a request mainly because I have no experience in actually building maps, especially land masses from the editor.

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I don't mean to offend you, but in my opinion being just a writer/idea man isn't enough to join a mod team. Usually modders want to make the mod the way they have it in mind and will join with other modders who have the same mind.


What will usually end up happening is the writer will have everything written out and then the modders will spend all the time turning it into a mod. The writer usually ends up twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do.


I suggest taking the time to learn the creation kit, as it really isn't that difficult. Start off small.. build a small house, learn how to do the navmesh. Make an NPC and learn how to add dialogue for him/her.


When you have experience with the dialogue, and understand its' inner workings, you will be able to write the scripts in a much better way. Personally, when I have a story in mind, I tend to write it in a novel or story format. The dialogue is often written without the dialogue system in mind and it makes it quite menial and a lot of editing to turn it into NPC's dialogue.


I may not be making any sense, but that's probably because I haven't gotten my Tim's yet (coffee).

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  On 11/10/2011 at 2:17 PM, PaladinRider said:

I don't mean to offend you, but in my opinion being just a writer/idea man isn't enough to join a mod team. Usually modders want to make the mod the way they have it in mind and will join with other modders who have the same mind.


What will usually end up happening is the writer will have everything written out and then the modders will spend all the time turning it into a mod. The writer usually ends up twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do.


I suggest taking the time to learn the creation kit, as it really isn't that difficult. Start off small.. build a small house, learn how to do the navmesh. Make an NPC and learn how to add dialogue for him/her.


When you have experience with the dialogue, and understand its' inner workings, you will be able to write the scripts in a much better way. Personally, when I have a story in mind, I tend to write it in a novel or story format. The dialogue is often written without the dialogue system in mind and it makes it quite menial and a lot of editing to turn it into NPC's dialogue.


I may not be making any sense, but that's probably because I haven't gotten my Tim's yet (coffee).


No, you make perfect sense, I suppose I could still help with puzzle/maze design though. That's one of my strong suits anyway. What good is a game without a challenging maze or two?

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I think I have something else in mind you would be interested in, and Paladin is right, while everyone values writing talent, there is a stronger need for making things happen. Check your PM's in a little for something I intended to do. Edited by Skibblets
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