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New BioWare project by a different studio


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I'm sad, it's not JE2. But it is something new. It looks like North Africa. But it has the tones of FO3/Borderlands/Rage etc.




I don't care! It's new and it's different. Maybe an adventure/RPG game? It certainly isn't FO3/Borderlands/Rage, there is just too modern and not enough scrapy stuff. It's most certainly from the Unreal Engine.



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He's burning actually. Check his right leg. The pic is most likely a military convoy being targeted. But it isn't the Blink engine, it's just the lighting and shadows which make it that way.
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...Looks like it's in very early development. Still I don't see it as "new and different", it looks like another FPS to me. You know what would be new and different nowadays? A space sim. I don't care if it has space opera elements added, as long as I can jump into the cockpit of a fighter or bomber that's all I'd like, but so far there's little incentive for big names to give some attention to this genre, so all we get is little indie teams doing the most to make their own or make a mod for one of the previous games. Problem is, a lot of the indie attempts I've played seem to have rather bad controls, or try using the mouse to adjust pitch and yaw :facepalm:
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