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Construction Set Help?


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I have dl'ed the separate pauldrons mod and have placed them each in th leftring and rightring slots...but when i puit them on characters...only one of them shows up? will they both show up in game? is there something wrong with the 'displayed slots' in the cs? Edited by warspectre
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Are you putting them on NPCs? I think I heard somewhere that NPCs will only equip one ring even if they have two. To get around this, perhaps make one of the pauldrons use the amulet slot instead.


Also make sure whatever gear they are wearing isn't set to "Hide Rings" or "Hide Amulets", but I think you already knew that. ;)

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Are you putting them on NPCs? I think I heard somewhere that NPCs will only equip one ring even if they have two. To get around this, perhaps make one of the pauldrons use the amulet slot instead.


Also make sure whatever gear they are wearing isn't set to "Hide Rings" or "Hide Amulets", but I think you already knew that. ;)

Yeah...I did know all that. but thanks for trying anyway. :)

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