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Be happy...


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I just wanted to share my frustration about getting Skyrim.


After a lot of searching, I found out, that there seem to be absolutely no midnight sale in my little country in the middle of Europe. Those are a lot of fun, but I could live with that.¨

So, I had a preorder. Today I got an answer from the shop, asking about time of delivery.

"You SHOULD, depending on your location, have it by monday or tuesday next week."

I mean, really? You preorder stuff year in advance to get it "Sometime next week" after it becomes availiable?

Well, canceled preorder. There goes my shirt and map.

I can already see myself runing around the city and trying to get it from various shops on friday.


Wish I could "lower" myself to get only the DL copy, but I have to have the box.


Be happy you are where you are, if you know (or think) you'll get it in time.




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Sorry that you are having so many problems. Hopefully you can find a copy on Friday. Good luck.


Would be rather bloody if I didn't, I'm one of "those" who actually took vacation, made sure phone and doorbell won't ring and that there is a stack of pizza in the freezer. :D

Edited by elvinkun
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lol elvinkun, i feel sorry for you, it sucks, and i know it all to well. I clearly remember when i bought DAO 6 months before release, then got close to the same message as you, i was sooo frustrated, cancelled my collectors edition and went out and bought it in a shop ( i hardly EVER buy in stores anymore, always cheaper online. ) so yeah, keep your head up mate.
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Why can't you wait? I mean waiting for one or two days is pretty natural where I'm from. I preordered CoD Black ops but it was like a week late. So I kinda have to learn to be patient. Also patience increases the pleasure :wink:
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Why can't you wait? I mean waiting for one or two days is pretty natural where I'm from. I preordered CoD Black ops but it was like a week late. So I kinda have to learn to be patient. Also patience increases the pleasure :wink:

Patience? I'm waiting 5 years. THAT is patience.


And patience increases the plasure... It's one of those sayings that make no sense if you think about it. If you're patient and eat your pizza 2 hours after it's done, will it be better? If you'll be patient and get the payment from your work two months late, will it be more fun? It's a bit like "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". I'm sure all paralyzed people with spinal damage agree unconditionally :P


Bethesda gave quite some effort into making sure it will be released worldvide at 11.11., the only problem here is that... huh, it's friday, who the heck wants to go to the courier company on friday...right?


Problem is, if you won't get it on friday, you will most likely won't be able to get it till next week... And I sort of want to spend this weekend and friday on mountains. With dragons. Skiing. On Ski made from swords. While shouting stuff in strange language that makes you sparkle.



This is the only game I'm actually freaking about, and it just has to go wrong :D

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Hate to say it because I know you said you wanted a physical copy, but this situation is one of the biggest reasons I love steam. They'll be on time, pre-loaded, and never out of stock.


Though, I might miss the big map, that's always a fun thing to have. Nah, probably not. I need less stuff, I have way too much crap lying around.

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download it on steam and stop crying. seriously. people are in worse situations than you and everybody else crying. its only a game.


Says the guy on gaming forums.

Also there are always people in worse situatons - and believe me, if me not getting Skyrim would stop starving in parts of Africa, I would not get it, yet I somehow doubt it would.




True enough , and I heard they will activate it by region at midnight with a chance to download before. Tempting. Call me oldfashioned tho, but I really love to have something solid in my hand. ... I also sometimes call DVD and Blue-ray "CD" :D

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I got Fallout: New Vegas on Steam directly. This time, I'm going for the box version. I can look at my Fallout 3 lunch box, and my WoW boxes (original and each expansion), but I have nothing like that for FNV. Also I lost the packaging for Oblivion so all I have left of that is the DVD and the SI box/disc, but I really wish I still had the packaging so I could look at it lined up with SI next to FO3 and WoW.
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