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Midnight release - is it safe to go?


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Dear all,


I have been planning to go to a midnight release to pick up my copy of the game. I have pre-ordered it at my local Game store so, although I will have to queue, there should be a copy with my name on it.


At the store they did tell me that "there will be a LOT of people" wanting to get the game but I still felt it would be good fun to go to the midnight release. I'm now having second thoughts. Simply by reading these forums, I'm getting the impression that emotions are already running high and some people might just be a tad too desperate to get the game ASAP. (I'm not being personal at all, please don't get me wrong!)


So now I'm slightly concerened about going to the midnight release. Is it safe? I really don't want to find myself among die-hard fans seeing red for whatever reason (Game store opens 5 mins later than expected, etc).


Any thoughts?



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I'm not worried about the midnight release. If it's your local Gamestop, odds are they're opening in plenty of time for people to get there and jerk around before the midnight mark. Just be chill and don't step on anyone's toes (cutting in line will DEFINITELY lose you points and/or a limb) and you should be fine.
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You will be fine it's not like your average meathead is in line for skyrim it will be a ton of people just like you there so you should be safe


If you start to feel unsafe just go to the back of the line no one rages backwards only forward


Excuse me, I'm a meathead and I'll be waiting at midnight too!

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I worked in a game store during the release of Modern Warfare 2, everything went okay. :)


I dunno how all stores work, but mine never closed in between normals hours and a midnight release, so there's never any issue about it "not opening on time." The line would start a good half hour or so ahead of time so everything would go smoothly by the time it hit midnight.


All in all I wouldn't worry about it. If you come a bit early, you may find yourself mingling with a lot of like-minded individuals, always a good time.

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Well, getting raped or stabbed under the ribs is not uncommon at midnight sale but...


Actually, I think you should be more worried about the travelling to and from the store, I can't see why fans full of anticipation would want to do you any harm, apart from occasionally talking your ears off.

Edited by elvinkun
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I'm going to my local midnight launch - especially because they will have consoles set up for people to play Skyrim for 2 hours before sale...


Remember... this are gamers... the majority of their violence is online and in a game... pretty meek mob mentality is my experience (I lived in LA during the Rodney King riots and in Seattle during the WTO riots...)


You'll be fine.

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