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I have held Skyrim in my hands


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I work at a major retailer in the electronics department. I have keys that access pretty much everything in the store. Including where we keep the games that aren't out on the floor. And I used my power to get a copy of Skyrim. It felt awesome. And then I had to put it back...


Pics or it didn't happen?




No, I did not take one, no, I will not take one, no, you cannot have it until the 11th.

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Did you not feel any pain holding them in your hands, knowing that you couldn't keep it?

I did pretty much the same as you today, and had to stock the stockroom with hundreds of copies of Skyrim. I died a little inside.

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It's for pc so you wouldn't be able to play it anyways


I opened the PC box 'cause that's the one I have, but we had tons of PS3 and 360 versions too. And yeah, it's not worth getting fired and/or sued or whatever the punishment is for breaking street date anyway.





Haha, it comes out on the same day so somebody stuffed a few in the same street date box.

Edited by Trigonous
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