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Who thinks that Elder Scrolls 5 will be the best



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think skyrim will be the best?

  2. 2. If not which one is?

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I'm going to step out on a limb and base my opinion on what little game play video I've seen and the words from various interviewed Bethesda staff members. I think this will truly be the best Elder Scrolls game to date. Oblivion was fun for a long time and (for me) needed a lot of mods to run well. I noticed Fallout 3 and New Vegas (though developed by Obsidian) required fewer "fix" mods. I think Bethesda nailed this one.


As for Morrowind, I enjoyed the story but I have zero fond memories of the clunky animations and obfuscated side missions. The only thing that I will miss from Morrowind are spears and thrown weapons. I think Bethesda failed its fan base by deliberately excluding those in Skyrim. No spears in a Nordic based region? Have they gone daft?

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I have a good feeling that Skyrim is going to topple Morrowind from it's high, high perch without much difficulty. Though I haven't played it yet, I'm getting worried that Bethesda may not be able to out-do Skyrim! haha Edited by stars2heaven
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I'm going to step out on a limb and base my opinion on what little game play video I've seen and the words from various interviewed Bethesda staff members. I think this will truly be the best Elder Scrolls game to date. Oblivion was fun for a long time and (for me) needed a lot of mods to run well. I noticed Fallout 3 and New Vegas (though developed by Obsidian) required fewer "fix" mods. I think Bethesda nailed this one.


As for Morrowind, I enjoyed the story but I have zero fond memories of the clunky animations and obfuscated side missions. The only thing that I will miss from Morrowind are spears and thrown weapons. I think Bethesda failed its fan base by deliberately excluding those in Skyrim. No spears in a Nordic based region? Have they gone daft?


Don't forget these guys



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<- Morrowind elitist



Me too.




I will still enjoy it very much, and I think my enjoyment of Skyrim will be a very close second. Morrowind had most of the features I really enjoyed about the TES games, though the grpahics for people were terrible and a few other quibbles I have. Skyrim has some big changes in it, and I look forward to seeing how they play out.

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Gotta say... it will be tough to beat the experience and enjoyment I got from Oblivion. I loved Morrowind as much as everyone else, but I probably spent more time in Oblivion since Morrowind's hayday got intterupted with MMO's (forgive me). I keep wanting to go back to Morrowind, install all the bext mods, and enjoy it again but it's tough finding the time between all the fun new stuff to do with Oblivion, Fallout, and now Skyrim.
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