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A Sad Goodbye........


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Hard to think the mods we're seeing now are the last of a great era! Roll on Skyrim Indeed!


We all know we've had some good times with Oblivion and what a better time to reflect? Whats ur personal favourite mods? bit random but i'm gonna miss this game! Be nice to hear everyones thought plus kick myself for missing out ha!


Mine was Lost Spires. I was new to the whole PC version of the game and this mod showed me the potential of not buying the Elder Scrolls on a console. Take a bow!


Share your thoughts!


Farewell Cyrodiil! Until next time!



Some Mug

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Ahhh Be leading by Vilja into the Better Cities Skingrad, under the perfect godrays from OBGE, with some Natural Enviromets birds upon us... I'm gonna miss that.


Also the Unique Landscapes series, the BladeSong quest, the All Natural weather with that sunsets, FCOM...


I'm sad :(

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Hard to think the mods we're seeing now are the last of a great era! Roll on Skyrim Indeed!


...especially since the mods we're seeing now are emphatically not the end of a great era. :) A bit of history: when Oblivion came out, there were threads just like yours that bewailed the end of Morrowind modding. Said modding continued just as strong for at least 3 years following Oblivion's release, and is still moving along at a reduced but powerful rate, with several major mods having been released in the last month and a host of minor ones.


Personal note: I kept checking the Oblivion official mods forum following the game's release. It was literally almost a year before the first big quest mod appeared. The first 6 months of modding were largely concerned with offering alternatives to Bethsoft's bad mechanics choices, especially leveling and scaling. Modders didn't jump in to embrace the new game. They held off, despite the endless cream-in-their-pants reviews of fanboys who saw nothing but the PR hype the company had fed them.


Modders aren't like casual or "RPG lite" players. They don't jump at the next release. They go for depth, they play one another's mods, and they stick with a game for a very, very long time--you'd expect that, wouldn't you, if they're going to put in dozens or hundreds of hours modding? Most modders aren't going to jump ship instantly for Skyrim, if Morrowind-to-Obliivion was anything to judge by--and it is. They are going to watch carefully to see if the game continues Bethsoft's trend to please younger players, and what's good and not so good, and whether the modding tools are worth it. Then they'll think about it some more, and go on releasing Oblivion mods.


So don't worry about Oblivion suddenly losing its modders. Most of the ones I know, the ones whose work I admire or the ones I'm personally friendly with, are happily modding Oblivion (and in a few cases, Morrowind). Some are planning new major mods, and while I can't be more specific than that, I can only tell you that at least two major new quest systems for Oblivion, a great shop, and several smaller things are on the way. And that's just in the next 60 days, maybe less, and based on a few known quantitites. There's bound to be a lot more out there being worked on, I'm sure.


Don't break out your handkerchief, just yet. :D

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I don't know about anyone else but I'm not about to give up on Oblivion. I loved the game from day one and I'll still keep loving it untill It goes the way of Pong. Even further if I can keep a pc running that will still play it. As for Skyrim I can't play it yet on my own pc. I'm still using a p4 chip and I will definitely have to upgrade but what I'm seeing online in the trailers and such make it look like a great game regardless of bad mechanics and other troubles. I wish the modders luck fixing the many issues I've read about already. Maybe you guys can find a way to make it playable on a p4and save me a few hundred bucks. :) In the meantime I'll keep having my own little adventures in Tamriel and downloading the many new mods I'm sure will still keep coming I hope for a good long time. Enjoy folks while your out there battling dragons. Think of us poorer people out here once in a while even if it is with a grin on your faces. :) Bye for now.
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