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Arenovolis/Millenia Retex Project


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after installing and reinstalling and toggling archive invalidation, some guns still have buggy textures, they dont look right. eg police pistol, ratslayer. im using wmx which might be causing weapons to use different models, though im using the retex patch. oh and does the retex patch affect wmx-dlcs? and should i put it before or after the other wmx-dlcs?
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Maybe just a install order problem? I can't really say, but going off what you posted it sounds like it. I install WRP then WMX (and anyother WMX DLC files) then WMX-WRP patch. Works fine for me. Load order wise, it should be after all the WMX esp files. If you're using a bashed patch, then you should select the option to import graphics and it should turn off (ie have a dot instead of a tick). Hope that helps you some.
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