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Remove existing buildings in the Far Harbor DLC


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I'm sure there is a mod to do this, but I've been digging for hours and I haven't found it:


The pre-existing buildings and belchers at Echo Lake Lumber (and some other places) are incredibly inconveniencing my building and I want to be able to get rid of them. Is there a mod out there that will already do this or can someone make one?



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yea, from past experience with his mod, i find that if you COMPLETELY Uninstall it, run the game, save and exit then REINSTALL it it works fine(and don't worry, stuff that 're-appears' when you uninstall => run game, vanishes again when its reinstalled, and Im not sure why...lol


Although I have the new version and most stuff in far harbor is still 'deselect-able' (Can't even target with console)

Edited by AtmaDarkwolf
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