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Improve Aim of NPCs


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Hello everybody,


First post, so apologies if I mess something up.


When playing New Vegas, I noticed that low level enemies have ridiculously bad aim. In some instances I can stand 2m from them and they miss 9 out of 10 s#*!'s fired at my character.


Is there a way to improve the aim of the NPC enemies using the consol or the GECK? I saw numerous post about changing the aim settings for the player character bit not for NPCs.


Thanks for the help! I greatly appreciate any suggestions!

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Simplest is to increase the game difficulty setting, though accuracy is more closely tied to skill and the difficulty setting is more closely tied to the amount of damage taken. "Low level" generally equals "low skill".


The other factor is "bullet spread", which increases with poor condition of the weapon. This is also generally the case with low level NPCs. Notice when you pick up their weapons almost all are well under 75%. That is easily changeable in the GECK by altering the setting called "fweaponconditionspread". Most of the weapon data is in "FalloutNV.ESM", but some were added by DLCs.


Thread from 2011 complained that low levels were too accurate.


(All of this is from research; not personal modding experience.)



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Well, what do you expect if you are going to do everything you can to draw attention to yourself (sprinting, ducking, jumping, etc.) :laugh: ? One of the first things they teach you in boot camp is that movement draws the eye. If you travel in a straight line for more than 3 seconds in the presence of an aware enemy, you're dead. If you expose yourself for more than 3 seconds, you're dead. There is a reason stealth, cover, and camouflage is key to survival.


Hitting moving targets takes some practice, but it's not that difficult (even at range) if the target does predictable things. The game is not ridiculous in that regard. Every "line of sight" in the game is within range of every rifle above a BB Gun. If anything the game nerfed all the guns to fit their scale.



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Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it!


I guess the NPCs either shot too well or extremely poorly, no real in between. I will try to play around with the weapon spread values to see if I can get something that feels better for me.

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