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Is Yes Man the best thing for NCR and Legion as well?


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Independant Vegas

You could set laws



YesMan is now "assertive"

Anyone see Terminator?




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Laze Faire

Can still set laws if laws are logical as House sees logic.



Not that he doesnt care about the outlyng areas,he cant take care of them yet as he cannot risk over extending himself.















No substance abuse



Pretty much anything fun.


IMHO House is the least of all evils.


Fixed. And if your gonna put "doesnt know everything." as a con you might as well put it for everyone there and the NCR cannot actually protect people. I also dont know what laze faire is...


I agree with the conclusion though.



I still think Vault 22 is just a curse and has almost nothing of real value as they were only able to research for a few years at best since we learn in HH the vault got abandoned with the same generation that entered the Vault. All your gonna find is the aggrocultural(sp) data for a starving country(Yes America was starving just before the war) and some top secret weapons research just like you do in every Vault. There is no evidence that there is anything truly ground breaking inside the Vault that could help the NCR with its food problem the only thing found were bioweapons, a strange food additive that changes mood in mammals, hydroponic gardens, and data on making plants produce more oxygen.


The Vault has been open for 200 years the plant growth you see is just natural growth from all that time as the hydroponics keep the plants alive. Just look how much the plant grew after leaving the Vault. Not by much for the time given.

Edited by ModelV
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Independant Vegas

You could set laws



YesMan is now "assertive"

Anyone see Terminator?




Highly Advanced

Laze Faire

Can still set laws if laws are logical as House sees logic.



Not that he doesnt care about the outlyng areas,he cant take care of them yet as he cannot risk over extending himself.















No substance abuse



Pretty much anything fun.


IMHO House is the least of all evils.


Fixed. And if your gonna put "doesnt know everything." as a con you might as well put it for everyone there and the NCR cannot actually protect people. I also dont know what laze faire is...


I agree with the conclusion though.



I still think Vault 22 is just a curse and has almost nothing of real value as they were only able to research for a few years at best since we learn in HH the vault got abandoned with the same generation that entered the Vault. All your gonna find is the aggrocultural(sp) data for a starving country(Yes America was starving just before the war) and some top secret weapons research just like you do in every Vault. There is no evidence that there is anything truly ground breaking inside the Vault that could help the NCR with its food problem the only thing found were bioweapons, a strange food additive that changes mood in mammals, hydroponic gardens, and data on making plants produce more oxygen.


The Vault has been open for 200 years the plant growth you see is just natural growth from all that time as the hydroponics keep the plants alive. Just look how much the plant grew after leaving the Vault. Not by much for the time given.



House is very hands off in his Casinos. All he wants is his share and lets them do as they need. Laze Faire means (in French I think) Hands off.


Well as for V22


The Vault it seems to have infected far below and near Big Mt and the Zion Valley. Could be very precise growing requirements. Seems more or less the work was started in big mt and sent to V22.


But I agree I hate that place. I go in armed with a flamer and Willy Petes and Molotovs.


House knows the most out of them all. The Legion has good ideas,but fall on their face. Cant win people over by crucifying everyone you dont like. NCR is the biggest,but stretches far too long and thin to be effective. Too much beauorcacy and you can hear it when talking to people.


House is the lest of all of them. Theyre all bad options as each one opens a worse can of worms from the next,but at least House can have a sense of control and order.

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The people from Vault 22 carried spores to zion hence the man eating plants. The spore carriers are the vault dwellers themselves it seems or possibly others that got infected im not sure but all the other growth in Zion is natural and not effected by the spores.


But yea I agree with Mr. House being the lesser of the evils. Then Legion. Then NCR. Then Anarchy(Yes Man)

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Laze Faire

Lasseiz faire, "let do", if you translate it literally. Closer to "let it be", or "leave it alone" if you look at the usage.


Typical Classical liberal view on economics (and by liberal I mean Locke and Mill, not whoever fox news or any US network is calling a 'liberal' these days), the idea that humans aren't utter arseholes and can be trusted to operate in a pure capitalist environment, constrained only by each others' rights.

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Only as a little sidenote :


Without mister house, there would be no new vegas strip, no low radiation area, no clean water, no undestroyed buildings, prolly even no working hover dam and no helios power plant. I mean his defences destroyed how many incoming nukes? 7 from 11?


No matter his goals, killing him and giving new vegas to anyone else, would simply be wrong in my opinion, because without him, there wouldnt be anything left of value.

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Problem with that thinking Simp is the same if you were to say have Georgie Washington as the immortal president of the US. Great guy for his time, great tactician, and leader of men. But hes still an old mindset into narcotics and slavery. Not what I would call a ideal leader for this day and age. Similar to House for the post apoc world. He still views everything through the lens of the old world hes trying to rebuild, which in itself isnt so bad, but that the rest of the world is not at a place where his thinking will do them best. And making vegas some grand centralized civilized land, will just attract more enmity.
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Problem with that minngarm is he isnt trying to rebuild the Old World. Vegas was rebuilt because its a tool he can use due to the massive amount of funding he can get from the Casinos. Hes simply trying to get a firm foothold to he can rebuild the technology centers to move humanity into space.


Not at all an Old or even modern mindset. And continuing with that Washington could never achieve what Mr. House has which makes the comparison rather moot.



And of course you cannot justify stabbing the person that saved your life in the back and stealing what is rightfully his since without him the Oasis that is the Mojave would not exist. So morally Mr. House is the best bet.



And I wont even go into your warped view of growing marijuana which itself is an incredible medicine.

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And then to the NCR..if i would have to live the life of the courier i play i would keep it to house. If the NCR would find a way to the paradise (those adam and eva lived at) they prolly would even try to kill god to conquer it.


If i had a nice garden, than the nukes came and i gave my life to protect the garden, keeping it green and free of rad, an oasis in the dead radiated desert..to then see someone else coming over and say "hey nice garden, sorry i lost mine coz i didnt care..now gimme yours and get lost"

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Yep. Removing people from their land by slaughtering them. Something we can relate to in real life history and actual modern events.


Hey maybe I should add something to that: Mr. House killers condone the slaughter of Palestinian babies and Native Americans.


Now think about that for a moment.

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I don't think Mr. House is evil at all honestly.


He has quite a good government set up with pretty fair laws. His main goal is to further humanity as a whole, not just expand his own government for more power, and he is the only one that could efficiently rule for a long time. That and he is the most logical and most intelligent.


I said this before but I will say it again. The Yes Man ending made no damn sense. The courier isn't just going to say "LOL SUR YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND REPROGRAM YOURSELF TO BE ARGRESSIVE."


Like seriously. You have to be completely retarded to not order Yes Man stop, but that is not even a option.

Edited by marharth
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