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Is Yes Man the best thing for NCR and Legion as well?


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Yep. Removing people from their land by slaughtering them. Something we can relate to in real life history and actual modern events.


Hey maybe I should add something to that: Mr. House killers condone the slaughter of Palestinian babies and Native Americans.


Now think about that for a moment.



AFAIK House didnt kill anyone. He simply said here have these casinos,you get food,shelter,money and prestige. Dont like it? Leave. Wont leave? well make you.



Youre thinking Legion. Legion has good ideas a few. Such as a zero tolerence policy. But they arent well liked due to their actions.


However,Nipton was pretty damned brilliant.

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I doubt that House could get much of anything done if he hasnt had someone killed along the way. Its inevitable. Hes no saint. As for Nipton? Well that was brilliant, it was the result of a morbid mindset crossing with boredom. Anyone with a mean streak in them could come up with the same.


Fact is all sides, including you're own if you pick independant. Result in blood shed, both militarily and civilian wise. Change does not come without bloodshed. Never has, and never will. As for House, if he wants to take humanity into space great, but what about those that just frankly dont want to go, or give up what they have for his goal? Same as with any other choice, he just takes it by force. Hes hardly noble, just civilized and practical, sure that makes him the most likeable of them all. But it doesnt make him any better than the rest.

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Azreal your missing my point. NCR and the Legion are the ones killing off the rightful owners of the land (In this case Mr. House). In killing Mr. House your no better then the people that slaughtered the Native Americans and the people currently slaughtering the Palestinians.


Get it now?

Edited by ModelV
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So i guess its also mister house good right, if helping him..wiping out nrc and legion in the mojave and there after conquering california, raiding the ncr, robbing their ressources to make new vegas even more wealthy...leaving california in rubbles. If the NRC has the right to invade nevada..the opposite is correct either, hm?




Mister House was present at the Strip already before the NRC and the Legion arrived, he already had keeped the whole area well shaped and cared, spended all his ressources on it, since the great war happened. So you really could say..the place only exists like it does, because of his actions. So yes, i think taking it from him by force, is nothing but invading, robbing from him, conquering.

Edited by Simpson3k
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So i guess its also mister house good right, if helping him..wiping out nrc and legion in the mojave and there after conquering california, raiding the ncr, robbing their ressources to make new vegas even more wealthy...leaving california in rubbles. If the NRC has the right to invade nevada..the opposite is correct either, hm?




Mister House was present at the Strip already before the NRC and the Legion arrived, he already had keeped the whole area well shaped and cared, spended all his ressources on it, since the great war happened. So you really could say..the place only exists like it does, because of his actions. So yes, i think taking it from him by force, is nothing but invading, robbing from him, conquering.

What? I honestly have no idea what your point is.

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Because in foreign translations the order of the letters changes. (i.e. in french I believe they're called la Republique Nouveau Californique, or RNC). Either that or they're idiots, depends whether you're open to the idea of other nations and languages existing or think your fellow countrymen are gibbering idiots. Personally I'm going for both.
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1. I think hes explaining why the Mojave is rightfully Mr. House's


2. Whats with people calling NCR NRC?


Or people sometimes making typos while writing waiting for others giving their statements about it because they never did anything wrong in their life.


Oh seems like you forgot to set the point at the end of line one, hm? How could you?

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