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Is Yes Man the best thing for NCR and Legion as well?


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A sadly true fact.. I wish these towns were more concerned with independence.. But seriously most of them do end up guarded only a couple of by primm slimm types.

The snipers in novac are the same deal.. There's even a nightkin murdering brahmin (and who knows what else next) right under their noses and they are unable to do anything about it.

1 of those upgraded securitrons could run rampant through most of the small towns.


Or completely secure the entire town which is what Mr. House would actually do. There is no point in taking places like Novac and Primm by force since he wouldnt gain anything.


Which in itself is concerning. What if someone like benny were to manipulate some of these robot's systems? To use to his own ends. This is why I'm against armies of killbots.. Whether controlled by a lovable leader or a horrible skynet program. At the end of the day they are machines, without the emotional capacity of human soldiers, even if House was corrupt (which i'm beginning to admit he's not) the robots would never question, never falter and never truly understand what they had done. This does mean that they are also incapable of some of the more evil human aspects, but in a way they are still prone to a level of corruption, even if it's just someone hacking a securitron to make it go berserk


It seems all the robots in fallout are built to break that ever so important law of robotics.


In every movie that had the 3 laws the robots revolted against there human masters.


Remember Bittersprings? Or even Iraq? Both are perfect example of Troops doing exactly what they are told and both are perfect example of horrific massacres. Killbots, human troops, doesnt matter they will always follow the leader even if it means killing woman and children.



Also over the entire course of Mr. House's control over Vegas only 1 Securitron has ever gone rogue and thats Yes Man which was a very difficult feat since any securitron connected to the network that goes rogue will get fried.



Also please note that if the Courier was killed the Legion would take over New Vegas. Benny cant get into the lucky 38 and thus cant kill Mr. House and install Yes Man. NCR are slowly chipping away from Legion's superior tactics and House cant get the chip back without the Courier.

Edited by ModelV
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"Also please note that if the Courier was killed the Legion would take over New Vegas."


Oh, really? I figured Yes Man would somehow get power. So it seems that yes man is also quite powerless without the courier.


So if the courier were to eventually take Caesars place and lead the legion, would the Legion then be a solid choice?


(I wouldn't lead them in my game, as they are pretty damn messed up, especially their gender discrimination)


I know it isn't even an option in the vanilla, but maybe some Legion fans could make a mod to satisfy this end?

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I know it isn't even an option in the vanilla, but maybe some Legion fans could make a mod to satisfy this end?

I just don't see it to be honest... Legion and BoS are probably two of the most polar opposites you can find in Fallout universe. Alignment-wise they rank as Lawful Neutral and Neutral/Lawful Evil, and these two are always mortal enemies. NCR and House are realpolitik characters (Neutral Good and True Neutral, perhaps), but not the Legion or the Brotherhood.


I can see House choosing to tolerate the Brotherhood if you force his hand, telling him that killing the Brotherhood would include killing you, and him being somewhat reasonable and you not being indispensable he could take that. But the Legion doesn't take ultimatums, and you don't hold any influence, not really being anything more than a very good Frumentarius to it.

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Hmm, But for what the player sacrifices to join the legion, (access to the gunrunners, I 187, or any other NCR run or guarded shop, plus all the sidequests, from what I've seen there are a lot more NCR missions then legion missions, then there are the side quest from NCR allies too) you'd think there would be at least a longer or more interesting storyline if there are less shops, or something at least.


You do get the option to "clear your history" with both groups once encountering Benny for the first time I think, but this wouldn't make much of a difference if you went straight to Vegas first, ignoring both NCR and Legion along the way. It also wouldn't make much of a difference if you were planning to continue your alliance with either NCR or legion after the fact.


Unless of course you were stringing one faction along until this "history clearing" happens. Which would give the player the perfect chance to turncoat in either case.


It just looks like, for the faction that would "win" the war without any intervention from the courier in any way, they seem to be the worst physical choice when it comes to gaining experience and trading goods.

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Yes Man is just a very powerful lacky. He cant do anything on his own the Courier is the only reason he left his room.


And no Mr. House will not settle with the BoS being alive. The NCR already made that mistake and look what happened. They are just gonna bide their time until they are confident enough to try to take on Mr. House like they did with the NCR.


Before I decided on Mr. House my other option was the Legion. I pondered for awhile on whether or not the Courier could persuade Caesar into leaving him the throne. In any event Mr. House can do more good with Vegas then the Courier can with the Legion.

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And no Mr. House will not settle with the BoS being alive. The NCR already made that mistake and look what happened. They are just gonna bide their time until they are confident enough to try to take on Mr. House like they did with the NCR.

That line was in the works, cut out from the final game. There are other ways to keep a faction under control than complete elimination. Getting the Courier in charge eventually, for instance, to change the policies. So I see that line potentially working out. Legion and BoS don't mix at all, in either case.


Legion is half-finished in FNV, they planned to have legion lands, the whole nine yards, but left it for later and never came around to it. So it left represented as mooks, like the Enclave line in FO3.

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I can't remember exactly but are there any hospitals or medical centers on the strip? I just remember the casinos, the radio station, the vault hotel and the NCR embassy. How many NCR soldiers must die from alcohol poisoning before he installs stomach pumps on his securitrons at least! :laugh:


How do the followers fit in too? Does Mr House want them around? To me they seem like the type that one would want on the strip, money isn't their main concern, and they basically help people for free if they can't pay. They really are in a bad situation with the kings, to say the least, why doesn't Mr House help them set up a hospital in or near the strip? It's not like they are a threat (well maybe a threat to the way of thinking, but in no way a physical threat to Mr House at this stage).



"Before I decided on Mr. House my other option was the Legion. I pondered for awhile on whether or not the Courier could persuade Caesar into leaving him the throne. In any event Mr. House can do more good with Vegas then the Courier can with the Legion."


This is true, if Mr House gets the chip, if not then he's stuck pooling money out of casinos run by people who want to kill him. There was a chance that Mr Houses plan to recover the chip would fail, but he put all his eggs in one basket. And without the courier, all of those resources were a complete waste.


Here's another argument,


Would the legion really have the capacity to take Vegas, if House never found the chip, and they "won" the dam war? (by win I mean take horrible losses but still be the last few standing). With the few (dozen?) securitrons he has plus all the inhabitants of freeside (assuming they would fight) plus any NCR remnants.


They seem like pretty good defenses, considering what the legion are outfitted with, (plus I think the legion would have to go through the boomers to get there, or at least around them, or through a field of deathclaws).

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It wasnt in the works it was fully implemented then later cut out.

You cannot change the Brotherhood of steel they are too stubborn. The whole point of veronica's quest was to show you that. The day they change is the day they die.

That wasn't quite the impression I got - there are two ways to complete the quest. And if you look at other chapters, they do change quite a bit.


Anyway, don't mean to argue. Just saying that I see Mr.House choosing to put up with BoS over losing the Courier, his only sharp tool at that point, while for NCR or Caesar's Legion the Courier isn't even remotely as important.

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