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Is Yes Man the best thing for NCR and Legion as well?


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I can't remember exactly but are there any hospitals or medical centers on the strip? I just remember the casinos, the radio station, the vault hotel and the NCR embassy. How many NCR soldiers must die from alcohol poisoning before he installs stomach pumps on his securitrons at least! :laugh:


How do the followers fit in too? Does Mr House want them around? To me they seem like the type that one would want on the strip, money isn't their main concern, and they basically help people for free if they can't pay. They really are in a bad situation with the kings, to say the least, why doesn't Mr House help them set up a hospital in or near the strip? It's not like they are a threat (well maybe a threat to the way of thinking, but in no way a physical threat to Mr House at this stage).



"Before I decided on Mr. House my other option was the Legion. I pondered for awhile on whether or not the Courier could persuade Caesar into leaving him the throne. In any event Mr. House can do more good with Vegas then the Courier can with the Legion."


This is true, if Mr House gets the chip, if not then he's stuck pooling money out of casinos run by people who want to kill him. There was a chance that Mr Houses plan to recover the chip would fail, but he put all his eggs in one basket. And without the courier, all of those resources were a complete waste.


Here's another argument,


Would the legion really have the capacity to take Vegas, if House never found the chip, and they "won" the dam war? (by win I mean take horrible losses but still be the last few standing). With the few (dozen?) securitrons he has plus all the inhabitants of freeside (assuming they would fight) plus any NCR remnants.


They seem like pretty good defenses, considering what the legion are outfitted with, (plus I think the legion would have to go through the boomers to get there, or at least around them, or through a field of deathclaws).

Mr. House doesn't stand a chance in the war without the chip. The robots he has are pretty much cops without the chip. The NCR couldn't help at all because the legion would have launched multiple successful attacks and wiped out the bases near vegas.


I don't see why Mr. House wouldn't let the followers set up a hospital. Mr. House would want a hospital, he might want to have a more organized system though.

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LoL, you just gotta get past the thugs to get there, assuming you are injured at the time too :tongue:


One casino would be plenty if it was big enough right? Ah well..


And I'd say hospital if i had rad poisoning :D


Jeez it's hard not to come off as snide (sorry if my posts make me seem that way). No amount of smiley faces seems to fix it. :pinch: :dance: 8)


There we go.

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Personally I think the New Vegas Medical clinic is Vegas's hospital. The hospital not being on the strip itself I think is a flook by the developers or possibly that the auto-doc is too difficult to move from the clinic.


Anyway Benny says that they get Medical as a benefit so either there are clinics in the casinos that they just didnt put in or they use the followers.



Also to get to Vegas from the Dam you just go through boulder city then through the 188 and just keep following the road up. The Dam holds most of the NCR's mojave troops(85% at least) so yea the NCR couldnt put up a fight after the damn and the Legion would win easily just like when you play through the Legion questline all the NCR troops retreat after they lose the dam.

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"Personally I think the New Vegas Medical clinic is Vegas's hospital. The hospital not being on the strip itself I think is a flook by the developers or possibly that the auto-doc is too difficult to move from the clinic.


Anyway Benny says that they get Medical as a benefit so either there are clinics in the casinos that they just didnt put in or they use the followers."



Yeah, I was just thinking that, in my last post was actually going actually to say; for arguments sake we'll just say consider there to be a first aid center (or room) hidden away in the casinos somewhere. They just aren't there in the game.


It does make house seem a little less weird. At least he's concerned with their health.


Don't even get me started on the lack of schooling around, there's just various forms of indoctrination to choose from, barring MAYBE House.

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All too true Fmod.


And yes really ModelV, :laugh:


Of course "school" in the contemporary sense would just be ridiculous, hell there aren't enough children around anyway. I mean more like newly made libraries dedicated to science, or history, etc. Also along the lines of a university lecture/tutorial, where known "experts" sell the secrets to their trade. Or even just something as simple as teaching each other, like training in oblivion.

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