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Make ALL your mods REQUIRE SKSE!


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Hello there guys


I think you know already that there will be a special edition of Skyrim that we will receive for free and console gamers will get for $60. They will probably be able to use some of the mods that do not require SKSE, idk which ones, but generally non-graphical ones.


To prevent what happened with F4, and to keep modding on to PC gamers, you know what you have to do. Update your mods to require SKSE! SKSE will never come to PS4 or Xbox. If they want to mod, they will have to buy PCs. Lock down Falskaar and other expansion pack like mods. Whatever you think will be available to the console community, put SKSE in those.

Let's make their limitations more obvious than they already are and force some of them to give up on their platform because of this. Modding will stay with PC, and only with PC! Consoles are out the door in the cold!

Edited by whiteskymage
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You know what would be better?

If console players would sit down and make their own mods. Because all I see is constant screaming "we want mods! we want this PC exclusives! we want this, we want that!"

I don't cry over some console exclusives like Gran Turismo or Uncharted. I get what I have.


I'm not saying who's better. Consoles are just different form of entertainment. But it's time to understand their limitations. They can't have everything.

If some modders are willing to share their mods for consoles - good for them.

But you'll see that when the new Skyrim is out, they will whine about not being able to run all the mods.

Edited by michael199310
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It is NOT console players pirating your mods. It absolutely requires a PC that can run the CK first to port a mod to console. Many of the console players are not as computer literate as the typical PC player who uses mods. They see a mod on Bethnet and ASSUME it has been uploaded by someone authorized to upload that mod and tested to be sure it works on a console. After all isn't Beth a reputable company that wouldn't allow pirated mods? :wallbash:


The mod pirates are ALL PC users who seem to have figured out just enough of the CK to run the conversion without having the brains to test the mod on a console ( assuming they even have a console to test on) So just stop with the PC master race vs Console Peons BS. As it is your own faction that is stealing your mods. :whistling:


Currently it is NOT POSSIBLE to create mods using just a console - the console was just not designed to be capable of doing that kind of thing. It was designed as a super simple game player where you plug in the game and it just works. And it does that one thing well. It is not a PC that can do things like run a program that is not a game or something like F4SE that is also not a game or a mod but a 3rd party program. Yes, it does have a microprocessor (CPU) like a real computer, but so does my coffeepot. And it is not a real computer either. :no:


As for the console players whining about PC exclusive mods - there are console exclusive games that PC players cannot play as well. So get over it. :rolleyes:

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You know what would be better?


If console players would sit down and make their own mods. Because all I see is constant screaming "we want mods! we want this PC exclusives! we want this, we want that!"


I don't cry over some console exclusives like Gran Turismo or Uncharted. I get what I have.


I'm not saying who's better. Consoles are just different form of entertainment. But it's time to understand their limitations. They can't have everything.

If some modders are willing to share their mods for consoles - good for them.


But you'll see that when the new Skyrim is out, they will whine about not being able to run all the mods.


This isn't enough. They have to whine and cry about the fact that they don't have the requirements to run those mods. In that case, it will not be us modders and PC gamers to blame. The less mods we give them access to, the more whining there would be...And unfortunately nobody, Bethesda nor MS nor Sony will be able to do anything other than create a mod kit for console gamers, so they can create mods for themselves - and on top of that, they will have to pay for it.


I never wanted to play any of the console exclusives, perhaps yes, Halo, but OK i accepted that I can't if I do not buy an Xbox, but for just one game I wouldn't because there are 100s of exclusives that PC has, more than all the consoles put together, oh yes - Backwards compatibility is also an issue for them, and not for us, but it seems as they do not realize that.


I want to see the console fanboys on their knees in front of all the PC community. They will cry "I want this game, this mod and that and that" and we will say "NO, unless you join us".



May I ask why? because modding being pc-only would make you feel special?


Oh you really don't get it do you?

Modding was never meant for consoles, it has been exclusive for the very begining, so why now? Why should we let them? If they wanna mod, then they should jump on a PC and mod right? We create mods for our PC community, not for them. They are a bunch of fanboys and do not deserve this feature if MS and Sony does not provide it to them (since they are all paying those 2 console "owners").

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Holly crap. Words cannot express how childish, self centered, and self righteous this seems. It seems to me you literally want mods to be incompatible with consoles out of spite, saying that, for whatever reason, console players don't deserve them. Please, tell me if I am wrong and you actually have a good, sound reason other than 'they don't deserve it.'

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It's not the console players pirating your mods, but PC owners. A PC that can run the CK is absolutely required to port a mod to consoles. Stop with the PC master race BS. It is the PC 'master race' people who are stealing your mods.

Your rant sounds to me like sour grapes - I can't have the console exclusives so they shouldn't have mods. That sounds just like the lack of logic I expect out of a 12 year old.


You will still have your PC exclusive mods. Not every mod will work without F4SE. And not every mod will work on consoles even when they don't use F4SE.


Just where are your mods that you are objecting to console users being able to use? I couldn't find any here. :pinch:

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I must say i laughed pretty hard at this:



Oh you really don't get it do you?

Modding was never meant for consoles, it has been exclusive for the very begining, so why now? Why should we let them? [...] We create mods for our PC community, not for them



Who exactly are you to "let" them have mods? Have you even made any? Or do you magically represent the whole pc modding community because of your ego?


I'm afraid you are the one that doesn't get what modding is about... at all.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Hello there guys


I think you know already that there will be a special edition of Skyrim that we will receive for free and console gamers will get for $60. They will probably be able to use some of the mods that do not require SKSE, idk which ones, but generally non-graphical ones.


To prevent what happened with F4, and to keep modding on to PC gamers, you know what you have to do. Update your mods to require SKSE! SKSE will never come to PS4 or Xbox. If they want to mod, they will have to buy PCs. Lock down Falskaar and other expansion pack like mods. Whatever you think will be available to the console community, put SKSE in those.

Let's make their limitations more obvious than they already are and force some of them to give up on their platform because of this. Modding will stay with PC, and only with PC! Consoles are out the door in the cold!


This attitude...right there...is the precise reason why some felt a need to steal mods in the first place! Absolute "pc master race" elitism, a perfect example.


There is absolutely no reason why mods cannot be for everyone...if not to share with others, then what is the point in releasing a mod in the first place?

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I want to see the console fanboys on their knees in front of all the PC community. They will cry "I want this game, this mod and that and that" and we will say "NO, unless you join us".


Haha. You do realise how preposterous that sounds, right? :laugh:


I have a PlayStation 3 I occasionally like to play, because Assassin's Creed Revelations runs on it without the need for additional Ubistuff. Both consoles and PCs have good and bad sides. Who knows, maybe Microsoft will make PC users with Windows 10 pay a monthly fee at some point, for updates or something. Some people choose to pay potentially hundreds of Euros for a gaming PC, whereas others will opt for a slightly cheaper console, and both make their decisions based on a variety of reasons. Simple as that. Console users are people just like us. Being PC user makes no one superior, and if someone needs a gaming PC or something else (sportscars come to mind) to artificially inflate their ego, that is just sad.


Of course, there is the unfortunate issue of people stealing mods to upload them for consoles, but that does not mean console users are bad somehow, just because some tiny group of people steal mods for their random, misinformed, malevolent and all-round twisted reasons and then go spouting their nonsense all over the Internet. Every group has a minority that tends to make the whole group look bad by being vocal about their own stupidity. The trick is to see past that minority and to realise the majority is actually quite nice people. And chances are they will also be able to get lots of enjoyment out of using mods, even if they were not able to use every mod that has ever been created. More users, more happy people. :happy:


Also, as a side note, your thread here will make little to no difference when it comes to mods and consoles. Certain mods require external utilities to function, and those will not work on consoles, and maybe you can take comfort in knowing that. In case you have mode some mods yourself, feel free to have them require SKSE or something else, if your mods are such that they can be made require it. Lead by example, and see if any will follow you. Chances are, not many, but only time will tell. Let the "community" decide.

Edited by Contrathetix
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