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Hey there Jayden. By modding, do you mean downloading and installing mods? If so, here's my usual post:


Everyone has their individual preferences so it's hard to recommend particular mods without knowing what you like.


To start with, most people will recommend the Unofficial Patches. These fix a lot of bugs and annoyances that Bethesda had missed.


The Unofficial Oblivion Patch

The Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental

The Unofficial Official Mods Patch

The Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch


Almost all complex mods require The Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) to function properly so that may be your next step.


If you're going to have more than a couple of mods, Oblivion mod manager will help you arrange your load order. If you're going to have a lot more than a couple, Better Oblivion Sorting Software - BOSS will auto-order most of the mods based on the collective experience of experienced mod users.


After that, check the Top 100 for the most popular mods. Or, if you have an idea of what interests you, look through the categories that appeal to you. You can sort them by Endorsements or Downloads to check which ones are the most liked or most popular.


If yu haven't played through Oblivion though, many would suggest not adding mods until you've played Oblivion for a while and have an idea what would improve your gameplay the most.


Have fun with the mods!


If you mean actually creating mods, there are some well written tutorials at TESA.

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