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Serpent + Rage + Icarus default "colors"


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Is there any (relatively easy) way to just alter these Primary & Secondary values either through some xx..Config..INI settings (of authentic DLC origins) or via whatever other code files -- if need be by a locally maintained Mod?


These defaults really are "weirdly designed" for me.. and i find myself having to continually reset such two simple custom definitions for each -- three times -- in every games. :pinch:

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Is there any (relatively easy) way to just alter these Primary & Secondary values either through some xx..Config..INI settings (of authentic DLC origins) or via whatever other code files -- if need be by a locally maintained Mod?


These defaults really are "weirdly designed" for me.. and i find myself having to continually reset such two simple custom definitions for each -- three times -- in every games. :pinch:

I thought the colors resided in the Material Instance, which reads off the parent material with param functions. I'm not sure if you can even externalize those values to INI, since Unreal needs to read and cook those materials at run-time.

Edited by E3245
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Shoootttss - if these are embedded into each Model/Mesh Material "Constants" i'm almost toast, then.


Then, another trick might be to just intercept the default rendering steps on the initial instances (Tech revealer animation), reserve two config slots with personal choices & then, invoque the switch when customization screen pops-up?! :geek:


Soooo - wicked - that Firaxis Devs wouldn't at least allow some indirect hooks for Modders to actually tackle that kind of stuff.


Well -- if you should ever find a solution, E3245... please return to this thread to provide your solution for me. :wink:

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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The default colors are set in their respective armor's OnEquippedFn delegate. If you want to change them you'll have to replace that.

function SetRageSuitArmorTint(XComGameState_Item ItemState, XComGameState_Unit UnitState, XComGameState NewGameState)
	local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ;
	local X2ArmorTemplate ArmorTemplate;
	local XComNarrativeMoment EquipNarrativeMoment;

	ArmorTemplate = X2ArmorTemplate(ItemState.GetMyTemplate());

	if (ArmorTemplate != none)
		XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(class'XComGameStateHistory'.static.GetGameStateHistory().GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom'));
		EquipNarrativeMoment = XComNarrativeMoment(XComContentManager(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine().GetContentManager()).RequestGameArchetype(ArmorTemplate.EquipNarrative));

		// If the armor intro for this armor hasn't been played yet, set the appearance for this armor
		if (XComHQ.CanPlayArmorIntroNarrativeMoment(EquipNarrativeMoment))
			UnitState.kAppearance.iArmorTint = 72;
			UnitState.kAppearance.iArmorTintSecondary = 95;
			UnitState.kAppearance.nmPatterns = 'Pat_Nothing';
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Anyone happen to know how they set the helmet requirement for the different armors? I mean that the helmets can only be equipped if the serpent or the other armors are equipped
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