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First "technical" impressions (no spoilers)


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I can't help but agree with the OP. It runs great on my old machine, so far that's the only thing I'm jumping for joy at.


- UI is atrocious. Absolutely inexcusably bad. I didn't mind the stock Oblivion UI but this is just beyond awful. I might be able to live with it if the game had full mouse support.


I couldn't agree more, it's shocking. I was even tempted to use a 360 controller.


- Game does not have full mouse support. WASDing through menus is B.S.


Again very poorly thought out.


- No hotkeys. "Favorite" system sucks and does not make up for the absence of true hotkeys.


This is inexcusable, it's one of the most moronic systems I've seen in a long time.


- Armor has been simplified yet again down to just "armor" (breast plate, shoulders, thighs, forearms is all one piece), helmet, boots and gloves.


It's pretty much what I expected, much like FO3.


- Armor doesn't degrade.


This doesn't bother me, clicking on something until the repair hammers run out was never much fun.


- You don't select a class. Instead you just activate a stone that gives you a 20% boost in thief/mage/warrior leveling speed. This can be changed at will.


Lets be honest here, it's never really mattered what class you chose in an Elder Scrolls game, you always ended up as master of everything. It fits with the level by doing system they use, you shape your class in game by your actions rather than picking from a list.


- At first glance the world map seems very small, unless most of it is just hidden at the beginning. It seems like a quarter the size of Cyrodiil...maybe a third.


From what I've seen so far the world is a huge improvement, I've not fast travelled once because there are things to see and world feels more alive. Cyrodiil was mostly empty except for a few copy/paste dungeons dotted about. This actually reminds me more of Morrowind, you can get easily sidetracked by poking around the place.


- HEALTH REGENERATES. God forbid a gamer be challenged in 2011. This is the biggest problem of all. I'm in awe of it.


The curse of modern gaming, with any luck it can be modded out.



Thank god for tesnexus and mods. This needs so much work.


The UI certainly needs redoing if possible, that really is bad, the rest of it I can live with. I was already facepalming and headdesking before the emperor died when I first played Oblivion, by the end of the first few hours I was fed up with it. Skyrim does feel like a huge improvement despite its obvious consolitis. In the first three hours of Skyrim I've seen more of interest than I did in all the hours I played the vacuous Oblivion.

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I have both a 360 controller and mouse/keyboard.


I guess the consensus at this point is that I'll get a better experience with the vanilla game using a controller?


I was going to but I'm getting the hang of it U.I now, it is horrible but you soon learn were the mouse works and where it doesn't.

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You immagine it...its simple ...the game gives you a hint where you are being led to your execution...till you arrive there, you have so many possiblities to make up your backroud...if you cant immagine it ...then simply you are too used to be given everything like on a plate.


People are too used to be taken by hand and being led by the game creators....i think bethesda wants to get rid of this and simply wants to let your immagination go out...you can come up with "pff its all exuces for a poorly made start" but if you cant immagine a simple thing as making your own backstory then you have a serious problem.


Wait, what??


What you're saying is basicly the same as saying you don't mind watching a movie without seeing the first 20 minutes. Imagine, if you will, That Fellowship of The Ring started when Frodo and Co. were leaving Rivendel after having decided to take the Ring to Mordor. No explanation is given, they don't talk about who they are or their motivation for undertaking this suicidal quest. I am fairly certain that movie-goers around the world would have been furious and would not have been satisfied with "Let your imagination go wild and make up your own back story for the shireling and his friends"


Another example of why giving backstory is the comic hero Batman. He is what he is because his parents were murdered in front of him. Without this knowledge of him, it is MUCH harder to sympathize with his overzealousness and without it, he would just be another vigilante.


Finally... What this game is lacking completely is, in theatrical terms, setting the stage. Ask any movie director or stage performer whether setting the stage is a VITAL part or not and I think you will find their answers very similar.


When I watch a movie I watch someone else's story, when I play a game like Skyrim it is my story that I am free to create myself. There is a world of difference. I understand your need for a backstory, but this is roleplaying and it is not the kind of games that gives you that. This is about using your imagination.


I don't see what all the fuss is about. Been playing for five hours now and it's absolutely great. The only thing that I really dislike is the UI and the lack of hotkeys, and it took me a little while to get used to it. I can totally understand the hate against those things but it's not gamebreaking. Besides, mods for these things are going to pop up at some time anyways, so, fanboy or not, save all your negativity for something else and enjoy the game. ;)

Edited by Ladez
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