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The Great Imperial vs. Stormcloak Debate



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  1. 1. Which side will you choose?

    • The Imperial Army! Slay the rebel scum!!
    • The Stormcloaks! Drive out those pompous flat-landers!!
    • Not sure. Can I support the Toast Faction instead?

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As I stated in my previous posts, I believe that the ONLY chance of defeating the Aldmeri Dominion is for the Civil War to stop before it goes any further. Otherwise no matter who wins the Nord forces will be so weakened as to either be of no help to the Empire or in defending themselves. I also believe that the tools have already been included in the game to allow for either a DLC or mod of a new ending that would not only solve this problem, but take Tamriel in a new direction. Here goes, but be warned, there are spoilers ahead for those not very far in the main quest:






At the meeting at High Hrothgar where the temporary truce is supposed to be negotiated, the following option becomes available if :

1. You have found Ulfric's Dossier at the Aldmeri Embassy.

2. You have at least the Persuasion perk.

3. You are the Thane of every hold in Skyrim except Eastmarch

4. You grant Ulfric's request to exclude the Thalmore Ambassador from the meeting.


You then inform all assembled of the Thalmor plot to weaken Skyrim as a precurser to attacking the Empire, presenting the dossier as proof. You ask both sides to cease fighting and hold in place (defending the areas where they are from dragon attacks) while you deal with the dragon problem at the source. Both sides grudgingly agree. You deal with Alduin and then return to the Greybeards to find that the cease fire has been broken and the bulk of both forces are converging on Whiterun. You tell Arngeir you have a plan, but first you have to go and gather some friends. Also, you need a BIG favor from him and the other monks.


A cut scene immediately takes you to the battle about to begin at Whiterun, with both sides charging at each other. But before they begin the skies fill with the roar of numerous dragons, and rows of fire scorch the ground between the forces, preventing them from reaching each other. Both sides stop in place and watch the dragons circle overhead. One breaks away and lands nearby. It is Paarthurnax, and you dismount from him. As you approach the armies you are joined by Ulfric, General Tullius and all of the other Jarl's of Skyrim. You inform the Jarls of the information revealed in the cease fire negotiation (that the Thalmor are the true enemy we must unite against), and yet despite this General Tullius and Ulfric have chosen to continue fighting each other. Tullius and Ulfric blame each other, and the other Jarls look displeased. Then you tell them that you have a solution that will appease all. The Empire will remove all non-Nord troops from Skyrim immediately. Skyrim will no longer be a provence of the Empire, or allow others to dictate how they will live and govern themselves. But Nords are loyal, especially to friends, And the Empire has been a friend to Skyrim for many centuries. Skyrim wil now stand side-by-side as allies against the Aldmeri Dominion, or any other enemies that they may face. General Tullius is reluctant to accept this, and wants to know how he can be sure that the new High King of Skyrim will abide by this. Ulfric states that he is the High King and will never defend Imperials. You tell him that he isn't High King until approved by the assembled Jarls, and that you now officially request to be named the High King of Skyrim. When asked you state your credentials:


1. You are a Thane of 8 of the 9 holds of Skyrim.

2. You are the Dragonborn, chosen by Akatosh.

3. As Dragonborn, you are the spiritual heir of Talos.


All Jarls except Ulfric vote yes. If you have the Intimidate perk Ulfric will back down and accept you. If not, then he states he and his hold will never support you. You then challenge him to a fight for the High Kingship, which he has to accept as it is his only viable claim to the throne. He tells you that only a Jarl can challenge another Jarl in this way. You then reveal the coversation you had with Arngeir. High Hrothgar has always been acknowledged as being neutral in political matters, so for practical purposes it has no Jarl. Until now. The Greybeards have named you the Jarl of High Hrothgar. Ulfric attempts to dispute this when you ask him if he's afraid to fight someone who's actually prepared to fight, and this goads him into attacking you. After you defeat him you talk to General Tullius and tell him to take this message to the Emperor: A new day is dawning in Tamriel. No longer will people allow distant empires dictate to them how they will live. He needs to accept this new reality in order that the wonderful things the Empire brings to Tamriel may survive. He should try to mend relations with the Redgards, and approach former allies in Elsweyr and Valenwood to see if they want to be in the Dominion, or would like help in becoming independant. There is also a final scene where you thank Paarthurnax for his help, and state that he and all the other dragons are welcome in Skyrim as long as they don't attack any of the inhabitants of Skyrim or their settlements. Paarthurnax thanks you, but says that perhaps it's best if they are alone for a time. He and all of the other dragons then leave.





That essentially outlines what I think should happen. Either Titus Mede needs to change his ways, or Ulfric does. If Ulfric can't handle not being the leader of Skyrim, oust him. By the way, that's an excellent idea for DLC. Maybe you should contact Bethesda and see if any of that sequence of events is viable to actually be included. Just think how awesome it would be to determine Elder Scrolls history. You HAVE to contact them, dude.

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Grooy! It's good stuff. However, you got it half right. That takes care of Ulfric but telling anything to Tullius or the Emperor is going to only go so far. An idea I had, was let's get rid of the Emperor FIRST (Don't have to necessarily). Then, when you have your little pow-wow with Mr Summary Executioner and Knucklehead (respectively), you could be like, "OK folks here's the deal, as High King of Skyrim and the only known living heir to Talos, effective immediately I am taking command of the Empire." And then that would put the screws to Tullius as well. I think he'd go for it, especially once he got to know you. If TM2 still sat on the thrown though, this would lead to another Civil War. Unless he would resign willingly. Then as the Emperor, you could do as you please, restoring Talos worship and ousting the Thalmor Not Just in Skyrim, but throughout the Empire and still keep everyone united. There can't be anymore division.


Taking command of Skyrim is well and good. Ultimately, someone needs to get on the Imperial throne and put a stop to the madness. I have a feeling regardless, that this starts Skyrim but later on it will end in Cyrodil.

Edited by bigmagy1981
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@DKhanno, I just want to say that I have never heard anyone put forth his position better than you just did. It was so well presented and well thought out, that you have me thinking about it now.. Very good job.:thumbsup:



Thank You :)

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I have decided to join the toast.


I don't see how anyone can think the Imperials or Stormcloaks are good.


The imperials openly execute people without trial and no longer have the bloodline in power that made the empire good.


The stormcloaks are led by someone who ratted out the empire to the thalmor and slaughtered a entire city for political reasons.


The empire is clearly the better choice between the two since it is the most powerful and has the best chance at fighting the elves, but everyone should be voting toast.

Edited by marharth
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  • 3 weeks later...
While I sympathize with the Stormcloaks, I side with the Empire. The Stormcloaks are a grand faction embodied by great soldiers (although the racism is entirely unforgivable). However, even if the body is perfect, a broken mind ruins it. The Stormcloaks are the perfect body, and Ulfric Stormcloak is the broken mind. If not for Ulfric, I would side with the Stormcloaks. But he sends the noble Stormcloaks down a path of corruption. The Empire can recover, but the Stormcloaks are led by the wrong people, down the wrong path, it would take much longer for them to stabilize Tamriel. The Empire could gather themselves to destroy the Thalmor if not for the annoyance of the Stormcloaks.
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I bet that If Ulfric wins the war, he will simply make it easier for the Thalmor to occupy Skyrim, sense after all he is a sleeper agent for the Thalmor and a traiter to his own kind and to what every Stormcloak soldier thinks he stands for. But in the greater schemes of things he's a mere traiter and will turn on you as soon as his can. He will also simply wait for his Thalmor friends gain in greater numbers, to overwhelm the Stormcloak soldiers without noticing. Or they do notice but its to late, they are out matched and out numbered. :devil:


Its all part of the plan, also after the Thalmor finish their secret mission, they would have no use for Ulfric Stormcloak and simply kill him and take over :devil:


See what happens, the Thalmor wins if Ulfric Stormcloak gains power.

Edited by Thor.
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I side with the Empire, but I do want the Empire to fight and kill as less stormcloaks as possible, instead you should capture them and train them like the imperial army themself, but not release them. When the war is won, the Empire should declare war to the Aldmeri domion, use the captured stormcloaks as a special force (I think their motivation would be very high since they are fighting against the real Talos haters). Maybe convince Black Marsh to fight along them, (if you don't fight, the Thalmor will take over the Empire and then you guys).
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The imperials are my number 1 choice. First of all the thalmor have a treaty with the empire not skyrim so if the empire goes down so does the rest of skyrim. Also due to the fact that ulfric is a races d-bag I will never choose the stormcloaks. If the racist stormcloaks won skyrim would loose every race that is not a nord. Not to mention the nords that supported the empire. So basically if the stormcloaks win skyrim is screwed.
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