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Can't Load My Save


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Wasn't sure if I should of put this in the mod forum. Anyways, I just installed a few mods into my NV. I ran FNVEdit and made sure the load orders worked with BOSS auto sort. When I start the game with NVSE, I get all the way to the main menu but cannot load my saves, the loading wheel spins for a while but just freezes after about 10-15 seconds. NV worked fine before I installed these mods but the thing is I disabled all the recent ones before this issue. I'd really appreciate it if anyone had any insight on why this is happening. I think it's happened once before as well but I worked through it by a complete reinstall of everything -.- and I'd rather not do that again.


Here are the mods I installed:


Grenade Hotkey

Advanced ReconRange Finder (I used Unified HUD project with this as well)

Better Binoculars

Operation Fixed Terrain

Interior Lighting Overhau

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