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Found something Interesting Related to Mods and Bethesda


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There also a restriction on using a modded save in Fallout 4. No achievements and other stuff are disabled for using any mod from nexus or Bethesda.net

That's less of a big deal because achievements are %100 useless.


No they aren't. They aren't! THEY aren't! They AREN'T! THEY AREN'T!


How am I gonna lord it over my friends (if any were still alive) that I got all the achievements. How can I pound my chest and claim to be the WORLD'S GREATEST GAMER without achievements.


You just don't get it.

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Sorry guys, I work a lot so Im not able to get on. I do realize that Mod Load Order plays a big roll in your game crashing. I found that out the hard way with Fallout 3. But I do research and I do read. What I did to fix this issue was I downloaded a mod that completely cleared Sanctuary Hills of all the "Garbage" and my issue went away. Its weird, Im sure I accidentally deleted something that didn't sit right but I couldn't narrow it down. Whodat1 I didn't get the opportunity to try your method but I am sure it would have worked. As I said, once I added the New mod my game runs flawlessly again. I did notice something guys, if you use NMM and then download a mod through the Mod screen in game your game 9 times out of 10 will crash. At least it did for me, what I discovered is that once NMM managers see's the Mod file and adds it to its own load order the crash on startup goes away. I was finally able to play for 3 hours last night with no CTD

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No this is not mutually exclusive to you I've had the same thing happen to me on a vanilla game. It was only happening to one object (a highway section) but It seemed to go away after a few saves. Creating a brand new character seemed to also fix it so it just might have something to do with saves.

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No this is not mutually exclusive to you I've had the same thing happen to me on a vanilla game. It was only happening to one object (a highway section) but It seemed to go away after a few saves. Creating a brand new character seemed to also fix it so it just might have something to do with saves.

Im glad you worked the problem out. In my case it started to get worse as time progressed. At first it was just a couple of walls with one of the buildings I built and then it progressed into everything vanishing and leaving earth and a blue sky...I would walk backwards and it would come back. Like I said, I downloaded a mod that clears out Sanctuary Hills of all Vanilla Structures it fixed my problem. Only thing is, I had downloaded a mod that turned the bridge into Sanctuary into a stone one and since this new mod repairs the old wooden one its not compatible.

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I've had strange issues with textures disappearing. One building (I think it's Hub 360) frequently has a white "curtain" over its doorways. The other day, half the water textures at Taffington Boathouse disappeared, revealing the lake bed.

Let us know if you come up with a walk around or fix. I get that sometimes in build mode in some settlements. Its never there once out of the workshop and sometimes if I exit and open it back up it wont come back. Im impressed with the direction Bethesda took this game...I really enjoy the fallout series.

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