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Video detailing horrible mouse problems in the game menus


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video removed, too many tards whining I should know it's tab to close the map because I should have remembered from Oblivion.. Which i played like 4 years ago. I'm supposed to remember. Lol. Youtube... Edited by JerTOb
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PCs were an afterthought as this was designed for XBox and this may explain why the second mod released for Skyrim allows for an XBox controller instead of mouse/keyboard. Hopefully by tomorrow some one will upload a mod to overcome this deficiency as long as it doesn't entail any changes to the .exe (which it shouldn't)! I'll take a stab at it after UPS stops by tomorrow morning.


Edit: I use a Logitech G-13 for all my games so I've long forgotten what the actual keys are too! Your original point about the (lack of) mouse implementation certainly seems valid though based on the many new threads on the boards. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.


Edit 2: Wow, they deleted the second mod that was uploaded, not that I care I'd never use an XBox controller anyway.

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