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We could use a hand, please...nothing to difficult, just a bit of testing


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If anyone would like to give us a hand and test an interior settlement in Far Harbor, we'd appreciate it.

It should be pretty straight forward, however, the 2 of us are getting widely differing results.
What we are running into is that it's working (at least what I expect to work) for myself, but not for the author (I'm just the Help today, heh).
Could use some detailed feedback.

Looking for some info on:
-Beacon usability (I have seen it take 5 days for the first to show up...but sometimes only an hour or 2...so please give it some time)
-Settler moving between settlements (they don't always move right away, sometimes not until I've left the zone and goofed off a bit)
-Workshop object placement (testing results of procombine and previs)
-Far Harbor companion dismissal at this location (Ex: Will Old longfellow stay/go there upon Dismissel?)
-Commonwealth companion dismissal at this location (Ex: Will Preston stay/go there upon Dismissel?)
-Supply lines (both the actual line on the map and the overall functionality, ex: "Does it show on both worldspaces, one, neither, etc.?")
-The map marker does not show the settlement stats on hover (this one I've given up on for the moment)
-Anything and everything else (but the above are the annoying things right now) that one might come across...except for "can't scrap this"...I think that might be a detail for much later. =)

Note: Must complete Brain Dead quest (DLC03_V118_Quest) to unlock Workbench, and must explore the exterior Vault entrance at Cliff's Edge Hotel (CliffsEdgeHotelExt) to unlock the map icon. "coc DLC03Vault118" will get you right outside the the Vault.

It's a good location and he's done some good work on it and could use a good hand, so any actual functionality testing and detailed feedback on those functions would be appreciated. Good? ;-)

Did I miss anything? I can't think anymore right now. =/

Thank you and have a good day.


EDIT: Well, 1.4.1 is a bust...1.4.2 is probably a bust...but 1.4.3 (when I get it up tomorrow), mayybbbeeee something good, it's surely looking up.
Just can't find the explanation to why my changes are not getting to them...some random file I'm not pulling into the archive or some old version lingering on their systems...I just don't understand.
So, thanks, but maybe we've got this under control...I'll bump it if we still need a hand. Thank you. =)

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